Thank you both for taking a look at the code. I just cant's seem to see any files in the externalroot after running the program. When I open the email on the device, the messages are there along with the attachment files. Can you describe exactly your procedure on how to check it. Here is the debug log on the last 3 messages:
[Attachments=(ArrayList) [], BCCField=, Body=
, CCField=, ContentType= multipart/mixed;, FromField= " my name here " < >
, ToField= < device owner email
[email protected] >, Subject= My file, IsInitialized=true
[Attachments=(ArrayList) [], BCCField=, Body=
, CCField=, ContentType= multipart/mixed;, FromField= "my name here" <>
, ToField= <device owner email
[email protected]>, Subject= FW, IsInitialized=true
[Attachments=(ArrayList) [], BCCField=, Body=
, CCField=, ContentType= multipart/mixed;, FromField= " my name here " < >
, ToField= < device owner email
[email protected] >, Subject= FW, IsInitialized=true
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = false **