This function works correct over whole the year!
Convert Julian serial date to calendar date:
Sub JulianSerialToDate(JulianSerial As Double) As String
Dim Z As Int = JulianSerial+0.5
Dim F As Double = JulianSerial+0.5-Z
Dim A As Double
Dim alpha As Double
If (Z < 2299161) Then A = Z
If (Z >= 2299161) Then
alpha = Floor((Z-1867216.25)/36524.25)
A = Z + 1 + alpha - Floor(alpha/4)
End If
Dim B As Double = A + 1524
Dim C As Double = Floor((B-122.1)/365.25)
Dim D As Double = Floor( 365.25*C )
Dim E As Double = Floor((B-D)/30.6001)
Dim day As Int = Floor(B - D - Floor(30.6001*E))
Dim month As Int
Dim year As Int
If (E < 13.5) Then month = E - 1
If (E > 13.5) Then month = E - 13
If (month > 2.5) Then year = C - 4716
If month < 2.5 Then year = C - 4715
Dim Str As String = day & "-" & month & "-" & year
DateTime.DateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy"
Dim l As Long = DateTime.DateParse(Str)
DateTime.DateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy"
Str = DateTime.Date(l)
Return Str
End Try
End Sub