Android Code Snippet Convert Mysql DateTime to regular string date time

I know is not the best way, but works ans sometimes is very useful

Sub date_mysql_to_normal(Value As String) As String
    ' value format yyyy-mm-day hh:mm:ss  -->> as mysql field
    Dim buffer() As String
    Dim datex As String
    Dim timex As String
    buffer = Regex.Split(" ",Value)
    datex = buffer(0)
    timex = buffer(1)
    Dim buffer2() As String
    buffer2 = Regex.Split("-",datex)
    Dim normalDate As String
    normalDate = buffer2(1) & "-" & buffer2(2) & "-" & buffer2(0)  & " " & timex
    Return normalDate
End Sub

returns : month-day-year hh:mm:ss
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but works ans sometimes is very useful
Hi Omar, you did not have to do all that work. Here is an abbreviated version of what you are trying to do.:
Sub date_mysql_to_normal(Value As String) As String
    DateTime.DateFormat= "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
    Dim d As Long= DateTime.DateParse(Value)
    DateTime.DateFormat= "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
    Return DateTime.Date(d)
End Sub
To test it:
Log(date_mysql_to_normal("2021-02-15 13:10:23"))   'shows: 02-15-2021 13:10:23
I kept the same name for your sub. By the way in yours, you need to add a space like this: buffer2(0) & " " & timex