Android Code Snippet Convert MYSQL db to Sqlite - EASY MODE - Linux Server

Hi everybody
This is not a b4a code but I found very useful, specially if you are in a project were you need to sync sqlite db to mysql or mysql to sqlite.

In some easy steps you can have a ready to go sqlite db.

1.-Go to mysql2sqlite and download the script, hit on clone or download button on your top/right
2.-Unzip the script
3.-Upload the downloaded script "" to somewhere in your linux server
4.-Give rights to execute the script, if you don't know how to do it, go here
5.-Now time to Convert your MYSQL db to SQLite3 DB executing the uploaded script with
./ -h localhost -u root -pYOURROOTPASSWORD YourDbToConvert | sqlite3 YourConvertedSqlite.db

6.-Copy your converted sqlite db to your computer
7.-Open your sqlite db and smile

It isn't perfect but it's better than nothing.

There is an updated version of this script here but it gave me a lot of errors, you can give it a shot if you want.

For the moment I didn't find something for windows, sorry.

I hope this is useful for you.
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