Android Question convert string to hex without using library

Binary Soft

Licensed User
Longtime User

In vb6

Public Function HexToString(ByVal HexToStr As String) As String
Dim strTemp   As String
Dim strReturn As String
Dim I         As Long
    For I = 1 To Len(HexToStr) Step 2
        strTemp = Chr(Val("&H" & Mid(HexToStr, I, 2)))
        strReturn = strReturn & strTemp
    Next I
    HexToString = strReturn
End Function

Public Function StringToHex(ByVal StrToHex As String) As String
Dim strTemp   As String
Dim strReturn As String
Dim I         As Long
    For I = 1 To Len(StrToHex)
        strTemp = Hex$(Asc(Mid$(StrToHex, I, 1)))
        If Len(strTemp) = 1 Then strTemp = "0" & strTemp
        strReturn = strReturn & strTemp
    Next I
    StringToHex = strReturn
End Function

eg. string A1 is changed with StringToHex
result is 4131

eg. Hex 4131 is changed with HexToString
result is A1.

Now In b4x
Sub HexToString(HexToStr As String) As String
    Dim strTemp   As String
    Dim strReturn As String
    For i=0 To HexToStr.Length -1 Step 2
        strTemp= Chr( Bit.ParseInt( HexToStr.SubString2( i, i+2), 16))
        strReturn = strReturn & strTemp
    Return strReturn
End Sub

is working.

How can I convert String to Hex without using library?


Binary Soft

Licensed User
Longtime User
I got it.

Sub StringToHex(StrToHex As String) As String
    Dim strTemp   As String
    Dim strReturn As String
    Dim I  As Long
    For I = 0 To  StrToHex.Length-1
        strTemp =Bit.ToHexString(Asc(StrToHex.SubString2(I,I+1)))
        If  strTemp.Length = 1 Then strTemp = "0" & strTemp
        strReturn = strReturn & strTemp
    Return strReturn
End Sub
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Licensed User
Or try this: 10x faster, optional anti-crosseye spaces between bytes, doesn't use even that implied library call Bit.ToHexString:

Sub StringToHexString(S As String, SpaceFlag As Boolean) As String
    Dim A As Short
    Dim HighNibble As Short
    Dim LowNibble As Short
    Dim DigitBase As Short
    Dim OutChar(S.Length * 3) As Char    'make it big enough for spaces too
    Dim PutPtr As Int = 0
    For I = 0 To S.Length - 1
        A = Asc(S.CharAt(I))
        HighNibble = A / 16    'rounds down
        LowNibble = A - HighNibble * 16
        If HighNibble < 10 Then DigitBase = 48 Else DigitBase = 65 - 10    'to convert nibble to ASCII
        OutChar(PutPtr) = Chr(DigitBase + HighNibble)
        PutPtr = PutPtr + 1
        If LowNibble < 10 Then DigitBase = 48 Else DigitBase = 65 - 10    'to convert nibble to ASCII
        OutChar(PutPtr) = Chr(DigitBase + LowNibble)
        PutPtr = PutPtr + 1
        If SpaceFlag Then
            OutChar(PutPtr) = Chr(32)    'space
            PutPtr = PutPtr + 1
        End If
    If SpaceFlag Then
        Return CharsToString(OutChar, 0, S.Length * 3 - 1)    'trim trailing space
        Return CharsToString(OutChar, 0, S.Length * 2)
    End If
End Sub
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Binary Soft

Licensed User
Longtime User
Or try this: 10x faster, optional anti-crosseye spaces between bytes, doesn't use even that implied library call Bit.ToHexString:

Sub StringToHexString(S As String, SpaceFlag As Boolean) As String
    Dim A As Short
    Dim HighNibble As Short
    Dim LowNibble As Short
    Dim DigitBase As Short
    Dim OutChar(S.Length * 3) As Char    'make it big enough for spaces too
    Dim PutPtr As Int = 0
    For I = 0 To S.Length - 1
        A = Asc(S.CharAt(I))
        HighNibble = A / 16    'rounds down
        LowNibble = A - HighNibble * 16
        If HighNibble < 10 Then DigitBase = 48 Else DigitBase = 65 - 10    'to convert nibble to ASCII
        OutChar(PutPtr) = Chr(DigitBase + HighNibble)
        PutPtr = PutPtr + 1
        If LowNibble < 10 Then DigitBase = 48 Else DigitBase = 65 - 10    'to convert nibble to ASCII
        OutChar(PutPtr) = Chr(DigitBase + LowNibble)
        PutPtr = PutPtr + 1
        If SpaceFlag Then
            OutChar(PutPtr) = Chr(32)    'space
            PutPtr = PutPtr + 1
        End If
    If SpaceFlag Then
        Return CharsToString(OutChar, 0, S.Length * 3 - 1)    'trim trailing space
        Return CharsToString(OutChar, 0, S.Length * 2)
    End If
End Sub

It's great and doesn't use even that implied library
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Licensed User
In my case, my eyes are getting old, and I like a little space in between bytes. Inserting those into the ByteConverter result chews up clock cycles for which I have better uses.

So I posted the routine I use, except that I replaced my own Bit calls with a divide and multiply, so as to meet the "without using library" stipulation.

But you're right, I should have asked the same question. :-/
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Binary Soft

Licensed User
Longtime User
Why not use the ByteConverter library? Are you worried about the extra size that will be added to your app? It will be about 3kb.

MySQL Database server has many clients that created with different other programming languages (Qt C++, Web, VB6 etc. for other developers.)

I used B4XEncryption Library and save password as BLOB to mysql database.

Dim c As B4XCipher
        Dim bytes() As Byte = Null
        bytes =c.Encrypt(text.GetBytes("utf8"), password)
        Return bytes

I do not know how to decrypt it from other language eg. VB6 code. So I want to choose simple code without library and
my own encryption method is suitable for me to share similar code to others.

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B4X founder
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1. I don't see any relation between your last post and the main question in this thread.
2. I don't see any reason not to use the well proven ByteConverter library.

Sub HexToString(HexToStr As String) As String
   Dim bc As ByteConverter
     Dim b() As Byte = bc.HexToBytes(HexToStr)
   Return BytesToString(b, 0, b.Length, "UTF8")
End Sub

Sub StringToHex(StrToHex As String) As String
 Dim bc As ByteConverter
 Return bc.HexFromBytes(s.GetBytes("UTF8"))
End Sub
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Licensed User
A few minutes after posting that bit about saving clock cycles, I had a terrible(ish) thought: whatever I need in B4AIJ, nine times out of ten I find Erel's been there, done that. So I quickly checked to make sure there wasn't already a spaced-out-hex function eg HexFromBytes2, that would make me look like an idiot, and happily(ish) there is not (that I could see).
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Licensed User
When I was sorting through those BLE packets, I had enough problems in hexadecimal, I'm not sure that quadrosexagesimal would have made things better ;-)

But for transferring data eg squeezing data into size- and ASCII-constrained packets :) :) :)

Hmm. Would be fun trying to do that just with plus-minus-times-divide, without library calls. Not today, though.
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Licensed User
There is no such thing. There is no performance penalty for calling library methods.
Agreed.* You had eventually teased out of Binary Soft that his reason for avoiding library calls, was so that the source code could stand alone as a sample for implementing the same functionality in other languages. I figured that any new solutions, even those done just for fun, should also abide by that constraint.

In retrospect, I should have posted that line as:
<HUMOUR TYPE=IDLE>Hmm. Would be fun trying to do that just with plus-minus-times-divide, without library calls. Not today, though.</HUMOUR>

(* ignoring the miniscule overhead of the library call/return and parameter/result passing vs having the same code inline)
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B4X founder
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(* ignoring the miniscule overhead of the library call/return and parameter/result passing vs having the same code inline)
There is zero difference between calling a sub in your code and calling a sub in a compiled library. We are not talking about inlined code here. Though if you make tests you will see that inlining doesn't change anything (not zero difference but not something that is worth discussing...)
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