Copy and paste codes


Licensed User
Longtime User
I searched of the forum before asking, I apologise if this has been explained elsewhere.

I have 2 lines of text in the enclosed in the CODE tags below. When I copy and paste them into notepad++ or any other editor, there is no LF or CR character between the 2 text. It appears as abcdef.

Anyone can guide me how to copy codes from the code box and pasting in notepad++ retaining all the format that it was originally written in the code box.



Licensed User
Longtime User
leongcc .. there was a thread a while back discussing this problem , from memory it is browser related. I use Firefox and do not have that problem. I can copy multiple lines of code and insert into projects whilst retaining formatting.

Cheers mj
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks for answering. You are all correct, its my IE9. I switched to another browser and everything is OK.

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