Wish Could I add a new method of A,if A is as the library?


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Longtime User
Hi Erel,
Assume A is as the library which has a,b,c as the method of A, I create in the Math Set is A={a,b,c} .
Now I need to add a new method (d) ,I create in the Math Set is {d} . How could I do this below

AU{d} = a new library (U is union)


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Longtime User
Creating a new library that references the original library and adds other methods.
If I have the original library which is not created by java coding ,but created by B4A designer (has bal file attached),How do I convert? (If created by java coding,I could java decompiler )
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Longtime User
If person's library is not alive, the library is stop to develop,isn't it?