Android Tutorial Create Custom Keyboard Layout for Coding

Sometimes it is really annoying to have keys we use so often to be lying in most inaccessible parts of keyboard.
And to make the matter worse they might also involve combination of shift etc.

Well, you can create a custom keyboard layout which you can switch to easily in Windows 10/11 on need basis.
Here is what my normal keyboard looks like when coding


You can customize it to whatever you like

Quick steps to get it up and running

1. Download Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator from here
2. After Install Either Create a new layout from scratch or select from templates or download Mine from attachment in this post.
3. Modify to your liking
4. Save, then Project > Build Dll and setup package (which you can use to install it on any windows machine)
5. Install using setup.exe created by MSKLC
6. Add Keyboard layout you created: Go to Settings > Time and Language > Language and Region > Language options (of your current language) > Add a Keyboard > Select your custom layout and Done!

for easy switching between keyboard layout use Alt + Left Shift or Win + spacebar [ read more here]

Happy Coding !!!

PS: It will be little difficult even for some key combinations you will set yourself because the muscle memory of fingers


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