Android Question Creating Push-enabled Android apps on Blackberry


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Can somebody tells me, what they mean?

After you register with the Push Service, you must create a configuration file (the android.cfg file). This file provides the BlackBerry Push configuration, and allows your Android app to work without any code changes, or the need to recompile it again. Using any ZIP utility, add the android.cfg file to the .bar file. You must create this configuration file before you sign the .bar package.
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Yes, i have copied out of this.
I'm just waiting on my blackberry-push-ID to try it.
Is it theoretical possible under b4a?

The follwing code has to be in the manifest-file. What syntax do i need for that?

Entry-Point-System-Actions: _sys_use_consumer_push

Thanks for help...
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I have tried it with the Push-IDs from Blackberry and I had success in register my app to the blackberry-push-Service. I got an bb-token and will now try to make the serverside. I have found this about the manifest-permission:

Access the Push Service to receive and request push messages.

To use the Push Service, you must register with BlackBerry. When you register, you receive a confirmation email message that contains information that your app needs to receive and request push messages. For more information about registering, visit the Push Service documentation.

If you're using the Push Service with BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 or BlackBerry Device Service, you don't need to register with BlackBerry and you must not specify the Push permission for your app.

Element value <permission system="true">_sys_use_consumer_push</permission>
Prompted No
Restricted No
System Yes. You must add system="true" to the <permission> element in the bar-descriptor.xml file or your app cannot be signed.
Check box Yes
Since BlackBerry 10.0.0

I can use Addpermission(_sys_use_consumer_push), but I'm don't know, how to implement the system=true. Perhaps, there is someone who knows something about it.

If the serverside is ready, I will make a short tutorial for that. The registration of the device to blackberry-push was not so difficult, as i thought.

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