B4J Question CSSUtils changing text colour [Solved]

Roger Daley

Well-Known Member
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Hi All,

I am attempting change the text colours of buttons as they are actioned. The code below should toggle the text colours of two buttons but it doesn't. :mad:

Sub BtnStandard_Action
    CSSUtils.SetStyleProperty(BtnStandard, "fx-text-fill", "#0D88BF")   'Change button text colour
    CSSUtils.SetStyleProperty(BtnExtended, "fx-text-fill", "LightGray")   'Change button text colour
    Mode = 0
    StandardExtended.Initialize("StandardExtended", 5)         '5ms timer
    StandardExtended.Enabled = True
End Sub

Sub BtnExtended_Action
    CSSUtils.SetStyleProperty(BtnExtended, "fx-text-fill", "#0D88BF")   'Change button text colour
    CSSUtils.SetStyleProperty(BtnStandard, "fx-text-fill", "LightGray")   'Change button text colour
    Mode = 1
    StandardExtended.Initialize("StandardExtended", 5)         '5ms timer
    StandardExtended.Enabled = True
End Sub

I have obviously missed something in the CCSUtils tutorial, can anyone spot the error?

Regards Roger

Roger Daley

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Do you want that the text color will be different only when the button is clicked? You should use a CSS file for this. See this example: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/css-example.35854/#content
I think I have failed to communicate the problem.

Two buttons: One blue text to indicate active state. Second button lightgray to indicate inactive state.
Click on second button: Text on second button turns blue [Active state]. Text on first button turns lightgray [Inactive state]
Click on first button: Colours toggle back to original colours/states.

Regards Roger
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Roger Daley

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I'm sorry but I don't understand your code. What is this timer doing? Why do you create a new timer each time?

Why is the interval so short?

You should upload a small example and then we can better help you.

Hi Erel,

Deja vu, you have seen this project before in the B4A version. The project is not large so I will upload it as is.
Please remember it is a WIP and therefore messy.
The issue at the moment is that the text not changing colour on the Standard and Extended buttons. [Timer not relevent]
The colours on the Metric, Imp and U.S. buttons change but I have yet change that code to CSSUtils as you suggested in a different post.
As usual any help much appreciated.

Regards Roger


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This is the solution:

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Roger Daley

Well-Known Member
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This is the solution:


Problem solved. A new day and I see that I had ommited the - in the code line.

CSSUtils.SetStyleProperty(BtnStandard, "fx-text-fill", "#0D88BF") ' Does not work , missing -
CSSUtils.SetStyleProperty(BtnStandard, "-fx-text-fill", "#0D88BF") 'Does work when - included

Regards Roger
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