Goodmorning Everyone.
I need to implement in my app a Tableview with custom cell.
I've read the discussion "TableView with custom items" starded by Erel but i could not understand many things...
I need to a customCell with a Label and a Textfield, i created a panel with them through the Layouts Designer. They are placed in a Design called "CustomCell".
Every time i debug the code i'm obtaining only one row without the custom layout.
I need to add custom cell dinamically, dependings on TCP listener results.
Here's my code :
arg.size is always > 10
I need also to modify the Cells's textfields and labels values
Thnaks in advance for your answare
I need to implement in my app a Tableview with custom cell.
I've read the discussion "TableView with custom items" starded by Erel but i could not understand many things...
I need to a customCell with a Label and a Textfield, i created a panel with them through the Layouts Designer. They are placed in a Design called "CustomCell".
Every time i debug the code i'm obtaining only one row without the custom layout.
I need to add custom cell dinamically, dependings on TCP listener results.
Here's my code :
Public Sub LoadPage(Caller As Page, impiantoSelezionato As Int, selezione As Int)
chiamante = Caller
impianto = impiantoSelezionato
selez = selezione
If Not(myPage.IsInitialized) Then
End If
Main.ActivePage = myPage
[INDENT]'theme color[/INDENT]
Main.ColoreTema = 2
table.Initialize("Table", False)
myPage.RootPanel.AddView(table,0,0,100%x, 100%y)
table.RowHeight = PnlCell.Height
End Sub
Private Sub LoadData
proto.Xpanel.WifiOn = False
proto.ForceDdns = False
If selez = 1 Then
'request a type of data
Else If selez = 2 Then
'request another type of data
End If
End Sub
Private Sub createCell(ID As Int, add As String) As Panel
Dim p As Panel
p.Width = PnlCell.Width
p.Height = PnlCell.Height
Return p
End Sub
#Region "Letture da centrale"
'Response from TCP listener
Sub XpResponse_NomiGruppi(arg As LinkedList, CmdXp As XpCmd)
Dim i As Int
[INDENT]'Arg.size is the number of custom cell that i've to create
'Arg.size depends on my server response.
'CmdXp isn't implemented yet
For i=0 To arg.Size -1
Dim tc As TableCell = table.AddSingleLine("")
tc.ShowSelection = False
tc.CustomView = createCell(i, arg.Get(i))
End Sub
#End Region
arg.size is always > 10
I need also to modify the Cells's textfields and labels values
Thnaks in advance for your answare