Android Question Custom titles on ListView

Birkdale School

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Longtime User
Hay everyone,

I'm making an app for my martial arts group and I was going to list moves and throws with the ListView function, I have a basic understanding of the ListView but not enough to know how to implement custom titles per line.

I'm new to coding with android and after searching for it on the forums I haven't been able to find what I need from the forums thus far, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards, Birkdale School

Birkdale School

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Longtime User
Also I have assumed that the use of Library’s would make this easier? Although again I am unfamiliar with them, any help would be appreciated, thanks.
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Birkdale School

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Longtime User
By custom titles I mean a specific name per line. An example would be that I have say 5 items in a list and each would have a specific name and would link to a specific move within my martial art (and the relevant layout and information that it would display).

Sorry for the late reply.
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Licensed User
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Start by reviewing the Listview tutorial - there's a link to it at the top of this page under the heading "Similar threads"
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Birkdale School

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Longtime User
Thanks, I've been through the tutorial a few times now but I can't really see how I can apply this to my program? From what I've read it seems like I could try to implement a library of sorts, or I would have to put each name down individually. Anybody got any idea how I would be able to do this the most efficient way?
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Birkdale School

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Longtime User
So I can manually implement all the needed infromaton into the list by using ListView.AddSingleLine and then defining the needed name?
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Birkdale School

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Longtime User
I had seen it before but now that I've gone through it properly I can see where and what I need to do, thank you all very much for your help. I really appreciate it.


Birkdale School
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