CustomDialog2 is not a blocking modal dialog?


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The CustomDialog2 doesn't seem to be a blocking modal dialog box. I can click outside of it to close it.

Have I missed a setting that turns the modality on and off?




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OK fair point but does that mean that the dialog can always be bypassed by clocking outside it's bounds?
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I was having issues with the Dialogs library testing on two different devices (2.2 vs 4.0).

On my HTC Desire(2.2), it was blocking the UI and waiting for the user to enter the data and press any of the buttons.

On my tablet(4.0), it was returning the result from the dialog simultaniously with the appearance so the user was unable to enter anything.

The weird thing is, this was happening randomly(one Activity works fine, using it on a second one fails). I was unable to reproduce it and understand the reason.

That made me abandon the use of the Dialogs library and write my very own panel solution using Classes. However, I suggest you check FloatingWindows, they can do the job :)
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Ah, sounds like the lib needs to be updated for ICS/JB. I've noticed a couple of other issues around it such as it not allowing a MsgBox to be loaded while it's onscreen and also that the ProgressDialogShow functionality is odd while using it.

Fingers crossed that the floatingwindows do the trick - thanks for the pointer!


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Hi Erel,

Yeah that's what I do now. It's a bit like a fudge at times but it seems to work OK.


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