Android Question Dangerous action killed my app' [SOLVED]

Serge Bertet

Active Member
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Longtime User

I selected the word "Activity" in the IDE and then ^F
In the seach tab I clicked "Current module" to find results of the current module (I thought)
The all words "Activity" was replaces with an empty string (I felt like an idiot ..).
Corrected all errors found in the IDE by adding the word activity everywhere missing.
When no more errors I launch the app annd ... nothing. Blank (black) screen.

I can see in the log :
*** Service (starter) Create ***
** Service (starter) Start **
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
** Activity (main) Resume **

that's it ... some body knows how to revert to my previous working project?

Thanks in advance ....

Serge Bertet

Active Member
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OK problem found:
I entered
Actitity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
instead of:
Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
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Peter Simpson

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Did you try CTRL and Z in that particular activity, that's what I would have done as long as you have not done too much since.
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Serge Bertet

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The IDE's undo button was not enabled after that batch replace action.
I closed the tab's file in the IDE with the intention to not save, but I was not asked for that.
Actually the word activity is not often used in an app so scared but safe !
I think search and replace should be in different places.
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