B4J Question Data from onlineDB B4A B4J diff results


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Ok why when I call the same php code from B4J or B4A it behaves differently.
When called from B4A it fetches the data just fine and updates the History table.

("http://locksdownunder.atwebpages.com/codes2.php", Array As String ("Action", "FindCode","Mail",Routines.getMail,"ID",Main.phid.GetDeviceId,"Table",VehicleOnly.codeTable,"Code",EdTxtCode.Text))

When called from my B4J it fetches the data fine but will not update the History table.
("http://locksdownunder.atwebpages.com/codes2.php", Array As String ("Action", "FindCode","Mail",Routines.getMail,"ID",Main.phid.GetDeviceId,"Table",VehicleOnly.codeTable,"Code",EdTxtCode.Text))

PHP Code
$host = "XXXX";
$db = "1833309_XXX";
$user = "1833309_XXX";
$pw = "XXXXX";

$con = mysql_connect($host,$user,$pw) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($db) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET utf8");
mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");

$action = $_GET["Action"];
switch ($action)
    case "FindCode":
        $id = $_GET["ID"];
        $table = $_GET["Table"];
        $code = $_GET["Code"];
        //look up code
        $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table$table Where Code LIKE '%$code%' LIMIT 1");
        $count = mysql_num_rows($q);
        if ($count > 0) #if no match to email found in DB
            $row = mysql_fetch_array($q);
            $result = $row['Bitting'];
            $res = mysql_query("Insert into history (email, regnr, transaction, date) VALUES ('$mail', $id, 'Looked up Code $code Table$table - Found', NOW())");
            print json_encode($result);
            $res = mysql_query("Insert into history (email, regnr, transaction, date) VALUES ('$mail', $id, 'Looked up Code $code Table$table - NOT Found', NOW())");
            Print json_encode("Invalid Code");

Doesnt make sence.
I have replaced the stings with text but still same issue.

Any ideas?


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OK so I have tracked the problem and although not a B4X problem i'm hoping you guys can help.

In the following php code if $id contains any alpha characters the insertion fails. It can only contain numerical character to succeed. See image of DB structure.
$res = mysql_query("Insert into history (email, regnr, transaction, date) VALUES ('$mail', $id, 'Looked up Code $code Table $table - Found', NOW())");

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