Ok why when I call the same php code from B4J or B4A it behaves differently.
When called from B4A it fetches the data just fine and updates the History table.
When called from my B4J it fetches the data fine but will not update the History table.
PHP Code
Doesnt make sence.
I have replaced the stings with text but still same issue.
Any ideas?
When called from B4A it fetches the data just fine and updates the History table.
("http://locksdownunder.atwebpages.com/codes2.php", Array As String ("Action", "FindCode","Mail",Routines.getMail,"ID",Main.phid.GetDeviceId,"Table",VehicleOnly.codeTable,"Code",EdTxtCode.Text))
When called from my B4J it fetches the data fine but will not update the History table.
("http://locksdownunder.atwebpages.com/codes2.php", Array As String ("Action", "FindCode","Mail",Routines.getMail,"ID",Main.phid.GetDeviceId,"Table",VehicleOnly.codeTable,"Code",EdTxtCode.Text))
PHP Code
$host = "XXXX";
$db = "1833309_XXX";
$user = "1833309_XXX";
$pw = "XXXXX";
$con = mysql_connect($host,$user,$pw) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($db) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET utf8");
mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
$action = $_GET["Action"];
switch ($action)
case "FindCode":
$id = $_GET["ID"];
$table = $_GET["Table"];
$code = $_GET["Code"];
//look up code
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table$table Where Code LIKE '%$code%' LIMIT 1");
$count = mysql_num_rows($q);
if ($count > 0) #if no match to email found in DB
$row = mysql_fetch_array($q);
$result = $row['Bitting'];
$res = mysql_query("Insert into history (email, regnr, transaction, date) VALUES ('$mail', $id, 'Looked up Code $code Table$table - Found', NOW())");
print json_encode($result);
$res = mysql_query("Insert into history (email, regnr, transaction, date) VALUES ('$mail', $id, 'Looked up Code $code Table$table - NOT Found', NOW())");
Print json_encode("Invalid Code");
Doesnt make sence.
I have replaced the stings with text but still same issue.
Any ideas?