Data not showing in scrollView


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I have an app I'm working on which is based on the SQL Example from Erel. Obviously I am fiddling around with the code and I've got lost. The idea behind it is to create an app for our music database. We have different "books" and a library. I don't need to edit all the fields or offer the chance to delete a record. All I need to do is to display filtered lists or all music, be able to select a row and change the value of just one cell, the book column.

I've zipped all the code because, as Klauss pointed out, the problem is most probably not where I think it is:)



    4.4 KB · Views: 140


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Longtime User
Sorry, but you should post your whole project as a zip file and not only the sorce code as a text file (IDE menu Files / Export As Zip).
With the whole project in almost the same conditions as you do, we can test it and see what happens. The txt file doesn't include the layout files so we don't know what is in there and so on.

Best regards.
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Sorry for that I'll try and do better next time:) I think I've managed to solve it now.

In the meantime you probably know the answer to this little one.

If i = 1 Then
l.gravity = Gravity.LEFT
l.Gravity = Alignment
End If

L is a label and whilst filling out a table I wanted one cell to be left aligned but still centered vertically to match the other cells. I can only find one type of gravity. Is it possible to set both types of center in one parameter?

Thanks for your help BTW:)
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