DateTime Format Weirdness


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I would like to format my Date output to use two digit years and format the Time output to remove the seconds.

I can't set the DateTime.Dateformat and DateTime.Timeformat variables statically (especially the date) because of localization differences – mm/dd/yyyy vs yyyy/mm/dd ...

In my Activity_Resume I create a global string variable with "yyyy" replaced by "yy". I display the original dateformat and my new variable in a Log statement. Everything looks good.

DateFormat MM/dd/yyyy
MyDatFmt MM/d/yy
TimeFormat HH:mm:ss
MyTimFmt HH:mm

Later in my code in response to a button click I set dateformat to my variable.

As soon as I put in that line of code, dateformat in my Activity_Resume Log statement changes to the empty string. (Note this happens long before my statement in the button click is actually executed).


If instead in my button click, I change dateformat statically to the string "mm/dd/yy" all is fine and my Activity_Resume Log statement reflects the new dateformat value – even before the static assignment is executed in the button click.

It looks like something is intercepting the fact that I may want to change the dateformat at some point and making the change very early in my apps execution. If I eventually set dateformat to a variable, early in my apps execution the variable is empty so dateformat becomes empty. If I eventually set dateformat to a static string, "mm/dd/yy", it is set to this early in my programs execution and that value is reflected in the Activity_Resume Log statement.

Could this be true?

In Delphi there is a statement: FormatDateTime. This allows you to provide a format string and a DateTime value. It produces string output according to the format string. Is there something like this in B4A? How do I custom format DateTime output?



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I hope that this will usefull to you.

Sub Get_Format_Date (ParFecha As Long, ParFormato As String)
   Dim lcResultado As String
   lcResultado   = ""
   Select ParFormato 
      Case "YYYYMMDD"
         lcResultado   = NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetYear(ParFecha),4,0,0,False) & _
                     NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetMonth(ParFecha),2,0,0,False) & _
         lcResultado   = NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetYear(ParFecha),4,0,0,False) & _
                     NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetMonth(ParFecha),2,0,0,False) & _
                     NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetDayOfMonth(ParFecha),2,0,0,False) & " " & _
                     NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetHour(ParFecha),2,0,0,False) & _
                     NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetMinute(ParFecha),2,0,0,False) & _
      Case "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"
         lcResultado   = NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetYear(ParFecha),4,0,0,False) & "-" & _
                     NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetMonth(ParFecha),2,0,0,False) & "-" & _
                     NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetDayOfMonth(ParFecha),2,0,0,False) & " " & _
                     NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetHour(ParFecha),2,0,0,False) & ":" & _
                     NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetMinute(ParFecha),2,0,0,False) & ":" & _
      Case "DD-MM-YYYY"
         lcResultado   = NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetDayOfMonth(ParFecha),2,0,0,False) & "-" & _
                     NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetMonth(ParFecha),2,0,0,False) & "-" & _
      Case "DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS"
         lcResultado   = NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetDayOfMonth(ParFecha),2,0,0,False) & "-" & _
                     NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetMonth(ParFecha),2,0,0,False) & "-" & _
                     NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetYear(ParFecha),4,0,0,False) & " " & _
                     NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetHour(ParFecha),2,0,0,False) & ":" & _
                     NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetMinute(ParFecha),2,0,0,False) & ":" & _
      Case "DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM"
         lcResultado   = NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetDayOfMonth(ParFecha),2,0,0,False) & "-" & _
                     NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetMonth(ParFecha),2,0,0,False) & "-" & _
                     NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetYear(ParFecha),4,0,0,False) & " " & _
                     NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetHour(ParFecha),2,0,0,False) & ":" & _
      Case Else
         lcResultado = ""
         ' Msgbox("Formato de Fecha Invalido", "ERROR")
   End Select
   Return lcResultado
End Sub


Edgar Ortiz
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You can use code like below:
    ' define process global variables
    Dim DateFormat, MyDateFormat, TimeFormat, MyTimeFormat As String
    ' get standard formats
    DateFormat = DateTime.DateFormat
    TimeFormat = DateTime.TimeFormat
    ' define my formats
    MyDateFormat = "MM/d/yy"
    MyTimeFormat = "HH:mm"
    ' set my formats
    DateTime.DateFormat = MyDateFormat
    DateTime.TimeFormat = MyTimeFormat
    ' restore standard formats
    DateTime.DateFormat = DateFormat
    DateTime.TimeFormat = TimeFormat
Best regards.
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You can use code like below:

Thanks. I wrote a little program to test my error. Happily, I was not able to reproduce the error with this little example.

In the test program, block comment out Section A or Section B or both. Run the program in debug mode and look at the log file output. The results are as expected.

'Activity module
Sub Process_Globals
End Sub

Sub Globals
  Dim MyDateFormat, MyTimeFormat As String
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
  Log("1. DateFormat " & DateTime.DateFormat)
  Log("1. MyDateFormat " & MyDateFormat)

  Log("1. TimeFormat " & DateTime.TimeFormat)
  Log("1. MyTimeFormat " & MyTimeFormat)
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume

'  ' Section A
'  DateTime.DateFormat = "mm/d/yy"
'  DateTime.TimeFormat = "HH:mm"
'  ' End Section A
  ' Section B
  MyDateFormat = DateTime.DateFormat
  MyDateFormat = MyDateFormat.Replace("yyyy", "yy")
  DateTime.DateFormat = MyDateFormat
  MyTimeFormat = DateTime.TimeFormat
  MyTimeFormat = MyTimeFormat.Replace(":ss", "")
  DateTime.TimeFormat = MyTimeFormat
  ' End Section B

  Log("2. DateFormat " & DateTime.DateFormat)
  Log("2. MyDateFormat " & MyDateFormat)

  Log("2. TimeFormat " & DateTime.TimeFormat)
  Log("2. MyTimeFormat " & MyTimeFormat)
End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)

End Sub

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Thanks edgar_ortiz and klaus.

Here is a FormatDateTime subroutine I wrote that sort of mimics the function available in Delphi. I took a brute force approach. I am sure it could be much more efficient.

This allows you to specify exactly how date and time strings will appear. I've attached a demo project. (Note the demo outputs to the Log not the device.)

One thing I cannot find in Android or B4A is the localized date, time, thousands, decimal separators and YMD standard used by the device.

In the US we use "/" as the date separator. Other locales use ".", "–", or other characters to separate the month, day and year in a date. Time is similar – ":", ".". Thousands and decimal separators are similar, as is the YMD order – ymd, mdy, dmy.

Is there a way to determine these values from the device's local settings?


' HH - hours, always 2 digit, 24 hour
' H - hours, possibly 1 digit, 24 hour
' hh - hours, always 2 digit, 12 hour
' h - hours, possibly 1 digit, 12 hour
' mm - minutes, always 2 digit
' m - minutes, possibly 1 digit
' ss - seconds, always 2 digits
' yyyy - full year value (4 digits)
' yy - truncated year (2 digits)
' MMM - month three letter abrev.
' MM - month, always 2 digits
' M - month, possibly 1 digit
' dd - day of month, always 2 digits
' d - day of month, possibly 1 digit

Sub FormatDateTime(fmt As String, dt As Long) As String
  Dim i, j As Int
  Dim s, t, so, MonthNames(12) As String
  s = fmt
  so = ""
  MonthNames = Array As String("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", _
    "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
  Do While (s.Length > 0)
    If (s.StartsWith("HH")) Then
     t = NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetHour(dt), 2, 0, 0, False)
     j = 2
   Else If (s.StartsWith("H")) Then
     t = NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetHour(dt), 1, 0, 0, False)
     j = 1
   Else If (s.StartsWith("hh")) Then
     i = DateTime.GetHour(dt)
     If (i > 12) Then i = i - 12
     t = NumberFormat2(i, 2, 0, 0, False)
     j = 2
   Else If (s.StartsWith("h")) Then
     i = DateTime.GetHour(dt)
     If (i > 12) Then i = i - 12
     t = NumberFormat2(i, 1, 0, 0, False)
     j = 1
   Else If (s.StartsWith("mm")) Then
     t = NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetMinute(dt), 2, 0, 0, False)
     j = 2
   Else If (s.StartsWith("m")) Then
     t = NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetMinute(dt), 1, 0, 0, False)
     j = 1
   Else If (s.StartsWith("ss")) Then
     t = NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetSecond(dt), 2, 0, 0, False)
     j = 2
   Else If (s.StartsWith("yyyy")) Then
     t = NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetYear(dt), 1, 0, 0, False)
     j = 4
   Else If (s.StartsWith("yy")) Then
     t = NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetYear(dt), 1, 0, 0, False)
     i = Max(t.Length - 2, 0)
     t = t.SubString(i)
     j = 2
   Else If (s.StartsWith("MMM")) Then
     i = DateTime.GetMonth(dt)
     t = MonthNames(i - 1)
     j = 3
   Else If (s.StartsWith("MM")) Then
     t = NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetMonth(dt), 2, 0, 0, False)
     j = 2
   Else If (s.StartsWith("M")) Then
     t = NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetMonth(dt), 1, 0, 0, False)
     j = 1
   Else If (s.StartsWith("dd")) Then
     t = NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetDayOfMonth(dt), 2, 0, 0, False)
     j = 2
   Else If (s.StartsWith("d")) Then
     t = NumberFormat2(DateTime.GetDayOfMonth(dt), 1, 0, 0, False)
     j = 1
     t = s.SubString2(0, 1)
     j = 1
   End If
   so = so & t
   s = s.SubString(j)
End Sub


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Well-Known Member
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Nice code, thanks.

Take a look at AHLocale
has all this formatting built in plus lots more.
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alan dodd

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Hello everybody.
Maybe an already answered question:

If first app executes this:

DateTime.TimeFormat = "HH:mm"
DateTime.DateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"

Do these new formats become global for the phone, I mean if I start another new app, does it use the new settings?
And if I close the app that originated the new format, does the format remain changed?
Thank you
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This is an OLD thread. Start a new one for your question!
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