B4J Code Snippet DateTime

Snip from my stock app to check if markets are open and if they are how many chunks of time are left in the day.
The second snip is to get how many minutes the markets have been open based on how many days you put in and add the remaining minutes are left today if the markets are still open.

Sub get_difference(interval As String)As String
    '390 minutes in one day
    '78 for on day /5mins
    '39 /10min
    '26 /15min
    '13 /30min
    Dim x As Long' = DateTime.DateTimeParse(DateTime.Date(DateTime.Now),"09:30:00")
    Dim y As Long' = DateTime.DateTimeParse(DateTime.Date(DateTime.Now),DateTime.Time(DateTime.Now))
    Dim z As Long' = y-x
    Dim w As Long' = z/60
    Dim n As Long'  = w/15

    'Check if markets are open
    If open_now = True Then
        'If they are check how much time has past
        x= DateTime.DateTimeParse(DateTime.Date(DateTime.Now),"09:30:00")
        y= DateTime.DateTimeParse(DateTime.Date(DateTime.Now),DateTime.Time(DateTime.Now))
        z = y-x
        w  = z/60
    Select Case interval
        Case "1min"
            Dim group As String = NumberFormat2(w,0,0,0,False)
                Return group.SubString2(0,3)
        Case "10min"
                n= w/10
                Dim group As String = NumberFormat2(n,0,0,0,False)
                Return group.SubString2(0,3)
        Case "5min"
            n= w/5
            Dim group As String = NumberFormat2(n,0,0,0,False)
            Return group.SubString2(0,3)
        Case "15min"
            n= w/15
            Dim group As String = NumberFormat2(n,0,0,0,False)
            Return group.SubString2(0,2)
        Case "30min"
            n = w/30
            Dim group As String = NumberFormat2(n,0,0,0,False)
                Return group.SubString2(0,2)
        End Select

    End If
End Sub

Sub get_difference_period_1min(interval As Long)As String
    '390 minutes in one day
    '78 for on day /5mins
    '39 /10min
    '26 /15min
    '13 /30min
    Dim x As Long
    Dim w As Long
    Dim group As String

    If open_now = True Then
        'If the market is open get the amount of time its been open
        x  = get_difference("1min")
        'Get the number of minutes times the desired days
        w = 390*interval -1 + x
        'Build the return string
            group = NumberFormat2(w,0,0,0,False)
            Return group
        'If markets are closed just return the amount of minutes times the desired number of days
        w = 390*interval
        'Build the return string
        group = NumberFormat2(w,0,0,0,False)
        Return group
    End If
End Sub


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Longtime User
The amount of minutes that pass between the open time of the stock market and the current time.