Debug Mode and B4a Ver 2.2 problem


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello, when the b4a 2.2 version is installed the debug mode do not stops in the breakpoints. If i return to the b4a 2.0 version it works perfectly. The debug.jar file is diferent in each version and it is only in the Library folder, and not in the Addlibrary folder ( what i think is ok ). Any one knows what is the problem ?


Licensed User
Longtime User
OK, i have create a new proyect and it happens this:
In my Windows XP Professional 32 bits I have no problems, no problems with the new one, no problems with the old one.
In my Windows 7 64 bits i have problems with the old one. This night i will try to create a new proyect in this computer.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
OK, i will never know what happened. In my Windows 7 64 bit i re-installed the 2.2 version and now the debug mode it works perfectly. Sorry.
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