I have write my program and I have check it at the debug with the device and work.
When I sent it to the device with debug option the installation shows that the program will modify sdcard read/write and the intrnet. So far all ok
At the release option
the installation does not write that modify sdcard write/read ONLY the intrnet
So when I try to write on the card >>>>>permision denie.
Because of newbe please the answer in detail
*** I install the program from the pc throught the wiif not from apk file
I have write my program and I have check it at the debug with the device and work.
When I sent it to the device with debug option the installation shows that the program will modify sdcard read/write and the intrnet. So far all ok
At the release option
the installation does not write that modify sdcard write/read ONLY the intrnet
So when I try to write on the card >>>>>permision denie.
Because of newbe please the answer in detail
*** I install the program from the pc throught the wiif not from apk file