debug version and release


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I have write my program and I have check it at the debug with the device and work.
When I sent it to the device with debug option the installation shows that the program will modify sdcard read/write and the intrnet. So far all ok

At the release option
the installation does not write that modify sdcard write/read ONLY the intrnet
So when I try to write on the card >>>>>permision denie.

Because of newbe please the answer in detail

*** I install the program from the pc throught the wiif not from apk file



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I find it
I add to manifest the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

but why the compiler add it at the debuge version and not at the release

I have the new beta ver
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that is a bug?
because if I test the application in debug mode and I am sure that all are ok,
and then at the release mode I must recheck all the parts of the application because some "permission are added with debug" and not at release ?
This means that i must debug the release ???????????????

My device has external sd card "/mnt/extsd" and the internal is "/mnt/sdcard" the DirRootexternal return the "/sdcard"
So I can not use the DirRootExternal or DirdefaltExternal

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B4X founder
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that is a bug?
No. Debugging application requires two permissions. These permissions will not be added automatically to released applications.

In almost all cases all the permissions are added automatically. In your case the compiler cannot know that it needs to add this permission so you need to do it explicitly.
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