iOS Question Debugging skipping page_resize


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Not sure if anyone else is seeing this but wanted to report it. When creating pages with only dynamic elements, the _resize sub doesn't fire. If I place a break and step through each line, it works, but not without a break. Building release app, it works perfectly, just via debugger there is an issue. I have experienced this in a few different b4i projects.


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Yes, I had tried that and it does not fire in resize. If I don't have a debugging break in both "Launch" and "Settings_Resize" (in Settings) and step through line by line, I get a notification in the debug log window that states "Application tried to push a nil view controller on target <UINavigationController: 0x16e6f700>."

If I step, it works fine, and it always works fine in release build.

Sample project attached. I have tested on Windows server 2008r2, as well as Windows 8.1 with the same results.


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B4X founder
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I have tested on Windows server 2008r2, as well as Windows 8.1 with the same results.
There is no relation between the windows version and the compiled app.

I've added this line: Log("Page1_resize") to Page1_Resize and ran your app without adding any breakpoint.

The message was logged.

Note that this is not the recommended way to manage the user interface. You should use the designer features to create and resize the layout.
Call View.SetLayoutAnimated if you want to update the size and position of a view.
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I thought that was requirement since that is how the main page in a new project is shipped. I just changed the following, and receive the same Nil view controller error.


Private Sub SettingsX_Resize(Width As Int, height As Int)
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