Share My Creation Demo + Sauce: MSIconicDrawable + CardView + DynamicGrid


This is a small demo to show how to list all GoogleMaterialDrawable icons from a font ttf file, and displays them. It uses MSDynamicGrid to show them and shows them as cards using the MSCardView.

I would like to know if it works ok on your devices.

Mainly this demos some frustrations about the app compat cardview.
Currently is it tuned for <API21. It will look a little off on lollipop devices.
The borders and padding are different in these versions, it is a bit annoying to use on < API21 as the card itself will not clip the borders, but you much clip the borders of the view yourself. I did it by using klaus' setCornerRadii method.

Demo APK (too big for forum)

Sauce Code (not well commented)
Requires the following libs:


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jep, it works on my nexus 5 (android 5.1)

this app is the world of scrolling:)


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Kit kat Genymotion - Moto G2 ok
Otherwise, what's the problem with cardview ?
The padding and clipping is not consisent between API21+ or <API21.
It makes you unsure of where to place your views, and also you have the round the edges of the views inside yourself.
There are a number of options but it gets confusing which to use and which not. (setUseCompatPadding, setUsePreventCornerOverlap).

this app is the world of scrolling:)
Lol, too many icons!


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Works great on LG Optimus G Pro Android 4.1.2. Thanks!


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??Dim IconicDrawable As MSIconicDrawable

y esta librería ?