Android Question Designer canvas height size


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Hello !
Is there a way to define the work grey canvas height size inside designer ?
I need to extend more a panel height on it.
Perhaps this is not possible and a memory or android system limitation.
Many thanks.


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The dark grey rectangle represents the active screen size of the selected device.
You can select the device on top of the Abstract Designer.


You can also check the behavior of your layout on different devices selecting Send To UI Cloud in the Tools menu.


You may have a look at the B4X Visual Designer Booklet.
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As i use a vertical scrolling panel, is there a method to define my own height ?
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If I understand your question, you can also create a new Variant in the Designer of whatever size you want.
It certainly changes the grey canvass size in the designer.
What effect it has on the produced app, or if you should do this, I have no idea.
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Wow. Do you provide a magnifying lens with your App?
Looks like there's far too much on the screen for the user to read or comprehend.
A mobile sized screen doesn't seem appropriate for what you've designed.
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Just out of curiosity, I wanted to see what it looks like but some file is missing ... Add a new variant in the visual designer 480x320...

Break the layout into several smaller parts and go to B4XPages ... This is just a suggestion ..
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(you need to create the folder : cartoucheur_audio)
in fact i use a 7'' tablet. and scroll the vertical panel.
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But this seems not a good idea to extend more and add some items . it works as it on my tablet. Note that in fact i've 6 x 22 (6 playlists). So i can continue on the next playlist if i've more tracks.
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(you need to create the folder : cartoucheur_audio)
in fact i use a 7'' tablet. and scroll the vertical panel.
Mr. programmer ... User here, how should I do it if the application crashes right after starting ...
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I would do it on xCustomListView ..
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As it work on my tablet. I leave it like that. Many thanks for your help. (it's for my own podcast).
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