I've added my Views by Code
Can I not position these Views(controls) dynamically in Designer scripts. I.E Do they have to exist in the layout to be manipulated by the Designer Scripts...
The views do not Confirm their existence (color change to purple) when referenced in the Designer Script Window) like the Views I used in my test project -- which existed in the Abstract designer
I'm assuming this is an easy Yes... the views must physically exist in the Abstract designer to be adjusted/positioned dynamically by the Designer script
ADDENDUM:: OK so I added a few of the view to test this theory and it appears to be true. but additionally you appears to have to Dim the views in Sub Globals even thought you've added them to the Abstract designer ....
Apparently No Initialize either.. labels have to have their text set in the scripts not in code too I suppose the text would set in the designer too but I had it initialized in code first .. so I put it in the script, I guess it would work in the designer too
Addendum::: Controls added in the abstract designer do not add to the activity with Activity.AddView(blah,blah,blah,blah,blah )
Can I not position these Views(controls) dynamically in Designer scripts. I.E Do they have to exist in the layout to be manipulated by the Designer Scripts...
The views do not Confirm their existence (color change to purple) when referenced in the Designer Script Window) like the Views I used in my test project -- which existed in the Abstract designer
I'm assuming this is an easy Yes... the views must physically exist in the Abstract designer to be adjusted/positioned dynamically by the Designer script
ADDENDUM:: OK so I added a few of the view to test this theory and it appears to be true. but additionally you appears to have to Dim the views in Sub Globals even thought you've added them to the Abstract designer ....
Apparently No Initialize either.. labels have to have their text set in the scripts not in code too I suppose the text would set in the designer too but I had it initialized in code first .. so I put it in the script, I guess it would work in the designer too
Addendum::: Controls added in the abstract designer do not add to the activity with Activity.AddView(blah,blah,blah,blah,blah )
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