Is there a way to create an email using the desktop? I know about the Outlook library for the PPC & I know that there are mechanisms in windows for "Send To > Email", but I can't see a method in B4PPC.
According to the help file I have for the Outlook library:can you use library OutlookDesktop.dll![]()
I use something like this (sendto is the email addressee, test is the mail
text content, attach is the attachment file). Provided that there is a MAPI
client program defined on the user's system, it seems to work perfectly...
10070 Main.MAPISession1.DownLoadMail = False
10080 Main.MAPISession1.LogonUI = True
10090 Main.MAPISession1.SignOn
10100 Main.MAPISession1.NewSession = True
10120 Main.MAPIMessages1.SessionID = Main.MAPISession1.SessionID
10140 Main.MAPIMessages1.Compose
10150 Main.MAPIMessages1.RecipAddress = sendto
10160 Main.MAPIMessages1.AddressResolveUI = True
10170 Main.MAPIMessages1.ResolveName
10180 Main.MAPIMessages1.MsgSubject = Subject
10190 If attach <> "" Then
10200 Main.MAPIMessages1.AttachmentPathName = attach
10210 End If
10220 Main.MAPIMessages1.MsgNoteText = text
10240 Main.MAPIMessages1.Send True
10250 Main.MAPISession1.SignOff