Desktop email creation


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Is there a way to create an email using the desktop? I know about the Outlook library for the PPC & I know that there are mechanisms in windows for "Send To > Email", but I can't see a method in B4PPC.

Gianni M

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Hi LineCutter,

can you use library OutlookDesktop.dll :confused:


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can you use library OutlookDesktop.dll :confused:
According to the help file I have for the Outlook library:
"The OutlookDesktop library is a "dummy" library which includes all the methods and properties of this library, but without any functionality. You can use the OutlookDesktop to help you write the code on the desktop."

Is there a new library out that I have missed???

Gianni M

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Hi LineCutter,

you are reason
i am sorry:BangHead: for mistake


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Thanks Erel.

I'm trying to provide a "brain dead user" program that creates & then emails a zip file. All is ready apart from the mailing. I'd like to access the mechanism that is used for bringing up the default email program ready to send an email, rather than try to get the user to enter the details for the SMTP server.

Outlook & Thunderbird, to name but 2, are able to argue that they should be summoned for action by using the Send To context menu on a windows desktop. It's this that I'd like to mimic.




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It seems that the RFCs don't allow for attachments in sendto:

I found this:
I use something like this (sendto is the email addressee, test is the mail 
text content, attach is the attachment file).  Provided that there is a MAPI 
client program defined on the user's system, it seems to work perfectly...

10070    Main.MAPISession1.DownLoadMail = False
10080    Main.MAPISession1.LogonUI = True
10090    Main.MAPISession1.SignOn
10100    Main.MAPISession1.NewSession = True
10120    Main.MAPIMessages1.SessionID = Main.MAPISession1.SessionID
10140    Main.MAPIMessages1.Compose
10150    Main.MAPIMessages1.RecipAddress = sendto
10160    Main.MAPIMessages1.AddressResolveUI = True
10170    Main.MAPIMessages1.ResolveName
10180    Main.MAPIMessages1.MsgSubject = Subject
10190    If attach <> "" Then
10200       Main.MAPIMessages1.AttachmentPathName = attach
10210    End If
10220    Main.MAPIMessages1.MsgNoteText = text
10240    Main.MAPIMessages1.Send True
10250    Main.MAPISession1.SignOff
However, I don't think that I can make anything usable of it in B4PPC.
Thanks for the pointers!