So your question is actually "How do I detect if I got a mock or real location?"
(The part about the simple download from App Store made it difficult for me to parse.
According to this thread:
Currently I'm working on an App which geolocation capabilities are its most important feature. Actually we're very concerned about getting GPS values mocked up. I've read a lot of comments regarding
It seems that you simply can't detect with any rock-solid certainty. The user could, for instance, use an external GPS receiver, which obviously could be delivering completely faked positions. The thread even mentions an Android app (long gone from Play Store) that could pretend being a bluetooth GPS and send NMEA data to the iPhone.
On the other hand, they also talk about evaluating the gps data, in their case it seems the mock location have some static data that wouldn't reflect a real location. That's five years old, so things might have changed since then.
Just curious, why is it crucial for your app to know the correct location?