B4J Question Detect global Hotkey for background B4J app?

Follow up on the above. I get "normal" keys (A,BC, etc) but the keyEvents remain silent when tapping Alt, Shift, Ctrl, and any of the non-alphabetic / numeric keys. What am I doing wrong?
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Thank you for offering to help.

Here is a reduced version of my code - sufficient to illustrate the problem.

TextField on form is updated with key info when key is tapped. No update to this field when shift, alt, etc is activated by user.

PS: Include jNativeHookB4J.jar in library...

The concept is a password manager that sits in background and is made visible when key combination is tapped. The form will show list of saved pwds (contained in secure local DB) User can now search for required user credentials or (in future) app may detect the last window/URL and provide the registered credentials to user. Or even fill in form when user opts the specified key combo...

I am sure you will agree that a simple single key is not ideal for this use. I would say at least a 3 key combo (user configurable) is minimum - using alt,shift or ctrl as part of the combo.


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