detect new line in label and show line break


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Afternoon all

I am recieving information over httpRequest and displaying the results in labels
is there any way that if the received string has a page break, then the label will also show the page break?

the application that controls what is shown on the phone is written in C#
i am using a special charactor that will be set for line breaking

Example: [NL]

DATABASE STRING EXAMPLE: this is a job[NL]and this will show in 2 lines instead of 1 line.

in the android app i have
result = result.Replace("[NL]", " ") ' replace field with new value
this will then allow the label to detect this charactor and will then allow page break

i have tried
& CRLF &

but since it is putting this into the label it displayed it not actually creating a line break

any help would be greatful

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