Device Optimized Functions not working


Licensed User
I have not been able to find anything specfic to my problem in the forum. I see some people lost some functions when using optimized compile for the device.

I'm using Door library with Keydown and KeyUp events. It works fine on the IDE while running, and it works when standard complie.

What it is doing is moving a sprite with right keypress. Using if KeyCode = right. This will not work while optimized.

The other problem I have is a timer that will display a msgbox under certain conditions. Again, this works on the IDE and standard compile. But I dont get a message box when optimized.

Part of what I am doing is setting the the Visible property to false when a Sprite hits a point, and true after the msgbox. It just wont give me the messagebox so It wont show my form.

Does anyone know why this would happen while optimized? I have no problems compiling, and other programs will optimize and work properly.


Licensed User
Can you post some code that demonstrates these differences?

Thanks for willing to help.

After showing the form I have a panel using MouseMove to move a sprite.
Then the Door library sets Visible false when the Sprite reaches an X location.

It then disables all active timers, and enables Timer4.
It also runs hook.unhook. Hook is a library i wrote to use SetWindowsHookEx and some other functions,
hook.unhook naturally unhooks the keys while the form is hidden. And Hook.New2 starts the hook.

To this point all works. The problem is that Timer4 doesn't appear to be active to set Visible to true,
and KeyDown_NewEvent won't work either.

All of this works with legacy device compile.
Some of this code is not need, as I am still debugging.
I've included my Library if you want to test.

Thanks again.

Sub Panel1_MouseMove (x,y)
Sprite.X = x - Sprite.Width + 10
   If Sprite.X < 0 Then 
Sprite.X = 0
   Else If Sprite.X >155 Then
Sprite.X = 155
obj.FromControl ("Form1")
obj.SetProperty ("Visible",False)
Sprite.X = 0
Timer5.Enabled = False
Timer1.Enabled = False
Timer2.Enabled = False
Timer3.Enabled = False
Timer4.Interval = 15000
Timer4.Enabled = True
   End If

Timer4 gets the idle time, sleeps for 15sec, then gets the idle time again.
To prevent Timer4 from running while in sleep state, I set it's interval high enough before sleeping so it won't run twice.

It then sets Visible to true, enables the Timers, disables Timer4, and creates a new Hook to Hook the keys.

Sub Timer4_Tick
obj.Value = obj.GetProperty("Visible")

   If obj.Value = False Then
     idletime = hook.GetIdleTime
Timer4.Interval = 150000
Sleep (15000)
     idletime2 = hook.GetIdleTime
idle = (idletime2 - idletime) /  1000

Timer4.Interval = 15000
     If idle > 10 Then
   obj.FromControl ("Form1")
   obj.SetProperty ("Visible",True)

Timer1.Enabled = True
Timer2.Enabled = True
Timer3.Enabled = True
Timer5.Enabled = True
Timer5.Interval = 25000
     End If
   End If
End Sub

Here I have a door object to GetProperty Keycode Right, to also move the Sprite. which won't when Optimized.
Hook.New2 allows KeyRight within the library.
Hook.FullOnState is setting the backlight on, after Timer5 has already set the backlight off.

From AppStart
obj.New1 (False)
   obj.FromControl ("Form1")
   KeyUp.New1 (obj.Value,"KeyUp")
   KeyDown.New1 (obj.Value,"KeyDown")
End AppStart

Sub KeyDown_NewEvent
obj.Value = KeyDown.Data
   If (obj.GetProperty("KeyCode") = "Right") Then
   Timer5.Interval = 25000
Sprite.X = Sprite.X + 15
   End If

   If Sprite.X >160 Then
Sprite.X = 155
   End If
End Sub
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Licensed User
I haven't tested your code. It is much easier if you upload a working source code so we won't need to add all controls and objects.
Why don't you use a HardKey (from Hardware) library to catch the required keys: Hardware

Instead of changing the Visible property with the Door library you should use Form.Close.

Hardware doesn't hook all keys, I added Volume up and down to it and still didn't work. and sometimes it doesn't work at all for me. So I wrote the library with SetHookEx which hooks everything.

If I use Form.Close then the program will not run in the background. With setting Visible false it will start the program faster after being hidden.

Since I was using Door I figured KeyCode Property should work fine.
I'll try hardware for moving the Sprite right.

I just don't understand why some of this doesn't work when optimized.

I'll upload the source when I'm at my PC


Licensed User
You can use Hardware.ShowTodayScreen to move your program to the background.

Yes, It will, I have tried all of your sugesstions already on my own before I created the dll. The drawback to ShowTodayScreen, is exactly that, it shows the today screenand not the last active application. This is possible through DzHw library, but then I have more libraries to include with the exe and more code.

My last option was to try and created the dll, which somehow I did. I am not a programmer, or at least not for more that a few months, and for C# only for about 1 week.

I've been having internet connection issues, and my laptop radio died on me at the same time. Guess I should have gotten that extra warranty with HP.......

Anyway, I would still like to post my source code but might take me a bit of time. I have also removed the Library, I don't want anyone to have it at this point, until I have it finallized and into the Additional Library Sub.