Device won't load tables


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Longtime User
I have tried the loadcsv and loadxml functions and I keep getting errors. I have checked the format and everything is correct. The csv and xml files have been created and have data stored in them. They are named Data.csv and Data.xml and stored in my documents. I have downloaded the files in this forum to see the detail of the error, but that doesn't work either. I'm probably not saving them to the correct place. At this point I have tried everything short of taking a hammer to the device. I'm going to the garage to find my hammer, but I will check for a response before attempting that approach. :sign0094:


Licensed User
Longtime User
This works fine on the desktop, but not on the device.

Sub Globals
'Declare the global variables here.
End Sub
Sub App_Start

AddTable ("Form10", "Table10", 80, 5, 140, 120)
Table10.loadcsv ("FoodDat.csv", ",", False, True)


Licensed User
Longtime User
The entire error reads:

An error occurred on the sub

Line number 8

("fooddat.csv",",",False, True)
Error Description:
An error message cannot
be displayed because an
optional resource assembly
containing it cannot be found

I found another post with the same error description and downloaded the file, but I still cannot see the error description. I probably have the file in the wrong place, but I cannot find anything that tells me where to save it to.

Also, I am unable to edit the this file's code on the device because it just types over everything. I cannot insert text although I can create a new file and insert text on it.

What am I doing wrong?


Licensed User
Longtime User
OK. I figured out the table loading issue. I just made a new copy on the desktop and moved it to the phone along with the csv files.

I still need help with the editing issue though. Is there a limit to the amount of lines on the device that could cause this?