Android Question Different label text size between variants in Designer


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I see in the designer the test size for a label is not alterable between variants. I think I read somewhere that if using the designer, it's not a good idea to hard code text sizes etc in code. Am I right so far?
I wanted to have a different background bitmap and text size for the same label in different orientations, do I need to either abandon this idea or abandon the Designer? I don't want to do the latter.


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I see in the designer the test size for a label is not alterable between variants.
What do you mean with this ?
If you have different layout variants you can change the text size in each variant.
You need to give more information, or better post your project with a precise explanation what you expect and you find beeing wrong.
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Hi Klaus, well, I have 3 variants. I select label1 on variant 1 and set Text Style->Size to 28 and save it, then I change to variant 2, select label1 and change the Text Style->Size to 20 and save it.
Now if I go back to variant1, I see the Text Style->Size is now set to 20.

So it seems in whichever variant I am in, changing text size changes the text size for all my variants.
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You can change the textsize in the designer variant specific script for each variant, say:
For variant 1: et.TextSize=28 and for variant 2 you can enter: et.TextSize=20
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I can't seem to do that, each change in one changes all the others! What am I doing wrong?
Screen Capture here:

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Not in the Designer,. You need to change it in the Designer script window: See below:

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