In one of your examples you use
however B4A does not seems to be able to resolve "Cursor" as a known type. I tried including different libs or searching through the forum but the only reference I found was to SQL Cursor (which makes sense) which is not what you're using in your example:
In one of your examples you use
Dim Cursor As Cursor
however B4A does not seems to be able to resolve "Cursor" as a known type. I tried including different libs or searching through the forum but the only reference I found was to SQL Cursor (which makes sense) which is not what you're using in your example:
Sub GetPathFromContentResult(UriString As String) As String
If UriString.StartsWith("/") Then Return UriString 'If the user used a file manager to choose the image
Dim Proj() As String
Proj = Array As String("_data")
Dim Cursor As Cursor
Dim r As Reflector
Dim Uri As Object
Uri = r.RunStaticMethod("", "parse", _
Array As Object(UriString), _
Array As String("java.lang.String"))
r.Target = r.GetContext
r.Target = r.RunMethod("getContentResolver")
Cursor = r.RunMethod4("query", _
Array As Object(Uri, Proj, Null, Null, Null), _
Array As String("", _
"[Ljava.lang.String;", "java.lang.String", _
"[Ljava.lang.String;", "java.lang.String"))
Cursor.Position = 0
Dim res As String
res = Cursor.GetString("_data")
Return res
End Sub