Hi, I implemented Firebase notifications and worked great. The problem that I have, is that some of the push messages recieved must be shown as a notification, but some others no. How can I make this? All messages recieved will show a notification. Thanks!
By changing the send code:
By changing the send code:
Dim Job As HttpJob
Job.Initialize("fcm", Me)
Dim m As Map = CreateMap("to": $"/topics/${Topic}"$)
Dim data As Map = CreateMap("title": Title, "body": Body)
If Topic.StartsWith("ios_") Then
Dim iosalert As Map = CreateMap("title": Title, "body": Body, "sound": "default")
'm.Put("notification", iosalert)
m.Put("priority", 10)
m.Put("content_available", True) '<--- add
End If
m.Put("data", data)
Dim jg As JSONGenerator
Job.PostString("https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send", jg.ToString)
Job.GetRequest.SetHeader("Authorization", "key=" & API_KEY)
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