Android Question DJI HotpointMission


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good morning,

any change that somebody can show me how to use 'DJIHotPointMission'

the original video by Erel of the 'DJI Drones' library shows GPSHotPoint @ e.g. 0:47.


unfortunately the attached example a and the libray sourcesode do not show this



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if the "spot mission" was removed from the wrapper how can we do circles around a point?
I thought that was only possible with "spot mission" ?
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it is for a radar test sub system and the requirement is to circle at point x in a radius of y in a height of z
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I tried the "Drone-First" with a MavicPro. Not flying (not turning motors on) as I am in a no fly zone, the area were I can fly is currently locked due to Corona

If you need me to test something I properly go 'somewhere'....
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B4X founder
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As promised, untested example code:
Sub Process_Globals
    Private sdk As DJISDKManager
    Private timer1 As Timer
    Private aircraft As DJIAircraft
    Private controller As DJIFlightController
    Private camera As DJICamera
    Private aircraftName As String
    Private batteryLevel As Int
    Private IMU As String
    Private pws As PhoneWakeState
    Private HotpointOperator As DJIHotpointMissionOperator
    Private MissionStatus As String
End Sub

Sub Globals
    Private pnlCamera As Panel
    Private lblText As Label
    Private btnStartMission As Button
    Private btnStopMission As Button
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    If sdk.IsInitialized = False Then
        Wait For (RequestPermissions) Complete (Result As Boolean)
        If Result Then
            timer1.Initialize("timer1", 200)
            Wait For SDK_RegisteredResult (Success As Boolean, ErrorMessage As String)
            If Success Then
                Log("Registered successfully!")
                Log("activation state: " & sdk.ActivationState)
                Log("binding state: " & sdk.AircraftBindingState)
            End If
            ToastMessageShow("No permission granted!", True)
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub RequestPermissions As ResumableSub
    Wait For Activity_PermissionResult (Permission As String, Result As Boolean)
    If Result = False Then Return False
    Wait For Activity_PermissionResult (Permission As String, Result As Boolean)
    If Result = False Then Return False
    Wait For Activity_PermissionResult (Permission As String, Result As Boolean)
    Return Result
End Sub

Sub SDK_ActivationStateChanged (State As String)
    Log("Activation state changed: " & State)
End Sub

Sub SDK_BindingStateChanged (State As String)
    Log($"SDK_BindingStateChanged: ${State}"$)
    If (State = "BOUND" Or State = "NOT_REQUIRED") And aircraft <> Null And aircraft.Connected Then
        Log("Aircraft disconnected!")
        lblText.Text = $"Disconnected!!!"$
        timer1.Enabled = False
    End If
End Sub

Sub SDK_ProductConnected (AircraftData As Object)
    If AircraftData <> Null Then
        Log("Product connected")
        aircraft.Initialize("aircraft", AircraftData)
        If aircraft.Connected Then
        End If
        Log("No connected product")
    End If
End Sub

Sub SDK_ProductDisconnected
    Log("Product disconnected")
End Sub

Sub Aircraft_BatteryState (battery As Object, RemainingPercentage As Int)
    batteryLevel = RemainingPercentage
End Sub

Sub AfterAircraftConnected
    If aircraft.CameraReady = False Or aircraft.BatteryReady = False Then
        Log("Camera / battery not ready")
        If aircraft.Connected Then AfterAircraftConnected
    End If
    controller.Initialize("controller", aircraft)
    Log($"simulator: ${controller.SimulatorStarted)}"$
    camera.Initialize("camera", aircraft)
    pnlCamera.AddView(camera.CreateVideoView, 0, 0, pnlCamera.Width, pnlCamera.Height)
    timer1.Enabled = True
    aircraftName = "N/A"
    Wait for (aircraft.GetName) Aircraft_ResultWithValue (Success As Boolean, ErrorMessage As String, Value As Object)
    If Success Then
        aircraftName = Value
    End If
End Sub

Sub CreateHardwareStateListener
    Dim RemoteController As JavaObject = aircraft
    RemoteController = RemoteController.RunMethod("getRemoteController", Null)
    Dim callback As Object = RemoteController.CreateEventFromUI("dji.common.remotecontroller.HardwareState$HardwareStateCallback", "HardwareState", Null)
    RemoteController.RunMethod("setHardwareStateCallback", Array(callback))
End Sub

Sub HardwareState_Event (MethodName As String, Args() As Object) As Object
    Dim HardwareState As JavaObject = Args(0)
    Dim c1button As JavaObject = HardwareState.RunMethod("getC1Button", Null)
    Dim IsClicked As Boolean = c1button.RunMethod("isPresent", Null)
    Log($"C1 button: ${IsClicked}"$)
    Return Null
End Sub

Sub RotateGimbal (roll As Float) 'ignore
    Dim aircraftjo As JavaObject = aircraft
    Dim gimbal As JavaObject = aircraftjo.RunMethod("getGimbal", Null)
    If gimbal.IsInitialized Then
        Dim cc As Object = gimbal.CreateEventFromUI("dji.common.util.CommonCallbacks$CompletionCallback", "callback", Null)
        gimbal.RunMethod("rotate", Array(CreateRotation(roll), cc))
        Wait For (gimbal) Callback_Event (MethodName As String, Args() As Object)
        If Args(0) = Null Then
            Log("Gimbal rotated successfully.")
            Log("Error setting rotation: " & Args(0))
        End If
        Log("Gimbal not available.")
    End If
End Sub

Sub CreateRotation (RollAngle As Float) As JavaObject
    Dim builder As JavaObject
    builder.InitializeNewInstance("dji.common.gimbal.Rotation.Builder", Null)
    Dim time As Double = 2 'seconds
    builder.RunMethod("mode", Array("ABSOLUTE_ANGLE"))
    builder.RunMethod("time", Array(time))
    builder.RunMethod("roll", Array(RollAngle))
    Return builder.RunMethodJO("build", Null)
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume
    If sdk.IsInitialized And sdk.Registered Then sdk.StartConnectionToProduct
End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
    timer1.Enabled = False
    pnlCamera.RemoveAllViews 'remove the video feed view (if it was added)
End Sub

Sub Timer1_Tick
    If controller.IsInitialized Then
        Dim St As DJIFlightControllerCurrentState = controller.CurrentState
        Dim speed As Double = Sqrt(Power(St.VelocityX, 2) + Power(St.VelocityY, 2))
        Dim sb As CSBuilder
        sb.Append($"Aircraft: ${aircraftName}"$).Append(CRLF)
        SetColor(sb, batteryLevel < 30).Append($"Battery: ${batteryLevel}%"$).Pop.Append(CRLF)
        SetColor(sb, St.GPSStatus <> 4 And St.GPSStatus <> 5).Append($"GPSStatus (5 = good): ${St.GPSStatus}"$).Pop
        sb.Append($"Simulator: ${controller.SimulatorStarted}
FlightMode: ${St.FlightMode}
Altitude: $1.0{St.AircraftLocation.Altitude} m
Location: $1.3{St.AircraftLocation.Latitude} / $1.3{St.AircraftLocation.Longitude}
speed: $1.0{speed} m/s
VelocityZ: $1.1{-St.VelocityZ + 0.001} m/s
HotpointOperator: ${HotpointOperator.MissionState}
Activation: ${sdk.ActivationState}
Binding: ${sdk.AircraftBindingState}
        AppendIf(sb, St.IMUPreheating, $"IMUPreheating: ${St.IMUPreheating}"$)
        SetColor(sb, St.HomeLocationSet = False)
        If St.HomeLocationSet Then
            sb.Append($"Home: $1.3{St.HomeLocation.Latitude} / $1.3{St.HomeLocation.Longitude}"$)
            sb.Append("Home: Not set!")
            If St.GPSStatus = 4 Or St.GPSStatus = 5 Then
            End If
        End If
        AppendIf(sb, MissionStatus <> "", MissionStatus)
        lblText.Text = sb
    End If
End Sub

Sub SetColor(sb As CSBuilder, Condition As Boolean) As CSBuilder
    If Condition Then sb.Color(Colors.Red) Else sb.Color(Colors.White)
    Return sb
End Sub

Sub AppendIf(sb As CSBuilder, Condition As String, Text As String) As CSBuilder
    If Condition Then sb.Append(Text).Append(CRLF)
    Return sb
End Sub

Sub SetHome
    Wait For (controller.SetHomeLocationUsingAircraftCurrentLocation) Controller_Result (Success As Boolean, ErrorMessage As String)
    If Success Then
        Log("home set")
        Log("Error: " & ErrorMessage)
    End If
End Sub

Sub Controller_IMUStateChanged (State As DJIIMUState)
    If State.AccelerometerStatus = "" Then Return
    Dim sb As CSBuilder
    AppendIf(sb, State.AccelerometerStatus <> "NORMAL_BIAS", $"Acceleromter: ${State.AccelerometerStatus}"$)
    AppendIf(sb, State.CalibrationStatus <> "NONE", $"Calibration: ${State.CalibrationStatus}"$)
    AppendIf(sb, State.GyroscopeState <> "NORMAL_BIAS", $"Gyroscope: ${State.GyroscopeState}"$)
    IMU = sb
End Sub

Sub btnStartMission_Click
    Dim mission As DJIHotpointMission
    'change coordinates here and remove the ExitApplication
    mission.Initialize(32, 32, 50, 300, 20, "TOWARDS_HOT_POINT")
    Wait For (HotpointOperator.StartMission(mission)) HotpointOperator_Result (Success As Boolean, ErrorMessage As String)
    If Success Then
        Log("Start: " & Success & ", " & ErrorMessage)
        Log("Error uploading: " & ErrorMessage)
        ToastMessageShow("Error uploading: " & ErrorMessage, True)
    End If
End Sub

Sub HotpointOperator_HotpointMissionStart
    MissionStatus = "MissionStart"
End Sub

Sub HotpointOperator_HotpointMissionFinish (Error As String)
    MissionStatus = "MissionFinish: " & Error
End Sub

Sub MissionState(Running As Boolean)
    btnStartMission.Enabled = Not(Running)
    btnStopMission.Enabled = Running
End Sub

Sub HotpointOperator_HotpointMissionProgress (ExecutionEvent As Object)
End Sub

Sub btnStopMission_Click
    Wait For (HotpointOperator.StopMission) HotpointOperator_Result (Success As Boolean, ErrorMessage As String)
    If Success = False Then
        ToastMessageShow("Failed to stop", True)
        MissionStatus = "Mission stopped"
    End If
End Sub

DJI v4.51 is attached. It depends on the other resources:


    35.8 KB · Views: 222
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did a quick run with the simulator....

unfortunately I always get "Error uploading: The estimated time for the mission is too long"
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mmh, looks like that all parameter are not set correctly - ignored ?

depending of hight, radius or velocity you get different error values back like

Error uploading: The radius of mission is over the acceptable limit, pls try to login and check radius of waypoint
Error uploading: The speed of mission is too large
Error uploading: The estimated time for the mission is too long
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yes, you are absolutely right it does work as it should, the issue I was having is related to my patched firmware on the test drone. Stock firmware is fine .....

THX a lot for your support :)
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