Android Question Dji Lybrary ,How to define events for buttons c1, c2.


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HI Dear, How to define events for buttons c1, c2 and listen for click events for buttons c1, c2 in dji mobile sdk
tks in advanced


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Please use regular text for your questions.

Untested code:
Sub CreateHardwareStateListener
   Dim RemoteController As JavaObject = aircraft
   RemoteController = RemoteController.RunMethod("getRemoteController", Null)
   Dim callback As Object = RemoteController.CreateEventFromUI("dji.common.remotecontroller.HardwareState$HardwareStateCallback", "HardwareState", Null)
   RemoteController.RunMethod("setHardwareStateCallback", Array(callback))
End Sub

Sub HardwareState_Event (MethodName As String, Args() As Object) As Object
   Dim HardwareState As JavaObject = Args(0)
   Dim c1button As JavaObject = HardwareState.RunMethod("getC1Button", Null)
   Dim IsClicked As Boolean = c1button.RunMethod("isClicked", Null)
   Log($"C1 button: ${IsClicked}"$)
   Return Null
End Sub

Call CreateHardwareStateListener from AfterAircraftConnected.
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Greetings thank you I'm going to try this. In these days I will finish my application dji-b4a, I hope you can try it. In any case you must trust it is your code, "half seriously half joking":), thank you for your help.
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Greetings, I test it and it works very well.

When i pulse c1 button, "C1 = true" (this was what i need = +++ tks).

Also when the button is released an event occurs, "C1 = False" (it is ok).

Another thing when i press "C2" indicates, "C1 = false". i will create with your code the event for C2 button, to see what happens, thanks.
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Greetings, try to do the same code for c2 ... but if I press the button c2 or any other of the control it indicates "c1 = false"

Sub AfterAircraftConnected
    If aircraft.CameraReady = False Or aircraft.BatteryReady = False Then
        Log("Camera / battery not ready")
        If aircraft.Connected Then AfterAircraftConnected
    End If
    controller.Initialize("controller", aircraft)
    Log($"simulator: ${controller.SimulatorStarted)}"$
    camera.Initialize("camera", aircraft)
    pnlCamera.AddView(camera.CreateVideoView, 0, 0, pnlCamera.Width, pnlCamera.Height)
    timer1.Enabled = True
    aircraftName = "N/A"
    Wait for (aircraft.GetName) Aircraft_ResultWithValue (Success As Boolean, ErrorMessage As String, Value As Object)
    If Success Then
        aircraftName = Value
    End If
End Sub

Sub CreateHardwareStateListener
   Dim RemoteController As JavaObject = aircraft
   RemoteController = RemoteController.RunMethod("getRemoteController", Null)
   Dim callback As Object = RemoteController.CreateEventFromUI("dji.common.remotecontroller.HardwareState$HardwareStateCallback", "HardwareState", Null)
   RemoteController.RunMethod("setHardwareStateCallback", Array(callback))
End Sub
Sub CreateHardwareStateListener1
   Dim RemoteController As JavaObject = aircraft
   RemoteController = RemoteController.RunMethod("getRemoteController", Null)
   Dim callback As Object = RemoteController.CreateEventFromUI("dji.common.remotecontroller.HardwareState$HardwareStateCallback", "HardwareState", Null)
   RemoteController.RunMethod("setHardwareStateCallback", Array(callback))
End Sub

Sub HardwareState_Event (MethodName As String, Args() As Object) As Object
   Dim HardwareState As JavaObject = Args(0)
   Dim c1button As JavaObject = HardwareState.RunMethod("getC1Button", Null)
   Dim IsClicked As Boolean = c1button.RunMethod("isClicked", Null)
   Log($"C1 button: ${IsClicked}"$)
   ToastMessageShow($"C1 button: ${IsClicked}"$,False)
   Return Null
End Sub

Sub HardwareState_Event1 (MethodName As String, Args() As Object) As Object
   Dim HardwareState As JavaObject = Args(0)
   Dim c2button As JavaObject = HardwareState.RunMethod("getC2Button", Null)
   Dim IsClicked As Boolean = c2button.RunMethod("isClicked", Null)
   Log($"C2 button: ${IsClicked}"$)
   ToastMessageShow($"C2 button: ${IsClicked}"$,False)
   Return Null
End Sub
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Setup two different callbacks...

Why do you think the 2nd from you is using an Event sub Hardwarestate_Event1
The Event is always [callback]_Event

Try this (EDIT: Based on Erels answer you should NOT use this code)
Sub CreateHardwareStateListener1
   Dim RemoteController As JavaObject = aircraft
   RemoteController = RemoteController.RunMethod("getRemoteController", Null)
   Dim callback As Object = RemoteController.CreateEventFromUI("dji.common.remotecontroller.HardwareState$HardwareStateCallback", "HardwareState1", Null)
   RemoteController.RunMethod("setHardwareStateCallback", Array(callback))
End Sub
Sub HardwareState1_Event (MethodName As String, Args() As Object) As Object
   Dim HardwareState As JavaObject = Args(0)
   Dim c1button As JavaObject = HardwareState.RunMethod("getC1Button", Null)
   Dim IsClicked As Boolean = c1button.RunMethod("isClicked", Null)
   Log($"C1 button: ${IsClicked}"$)
   ToastMessageShow($"C1 button: ${IsClicked}"$,False)
   Return Null
End Sub
Sub CreateHardwareStateListener2
   Dim RemoteController As JavaObject = aircraft
   RemoteController = RemoteController.RunMethod("getRemoteController", Null)
   Dim callback As Object = RemoteController.CreateEventFromUI("dji.common.remotecontroller.HardwareState$HardwareStateCallback", "HardwareState2", Null)
   RemoteController.RunMethod("setHardwareStateCallback", Array(callback))
End Sub
Sub HardwareState2_Event (MethodName As String, Args() As Object) As Object
   Dim HardwareState As JavaObject = Args(0)
   Dim c2button As JavaObject = HardwareState.RunMethod("getC2Button", Null)
   Dim IsClicked As Boolean = c1button.RunMethod("isClicked", Null)
   Log($"C2 button: ${IsClicked}"$)
   ToastMessageShow($"C2 button: ${IsClicked}"$,False)
   Return Null
End Sub

You also can use the code from @Erel and add code to check the C2 Button too. This will work too.

(EDIT: Based on Erels answer you should use THIS code)
Sub CreateHardwareStateListener
   Dim RemoteController As JavaObject = aircraft
   RemoteController = RemoteController.RunMethod("getRemoteController", Null)
   Dim callback As Object = RemoteController.CreateEventFromUI("dji.common.remotecontroller.HardwareState$HardwareStateCallback", "HardwareState", Null)
   RemoteController.RunMethod("setHardwareStateCallback", Array(callback))
End Sub

Sub HardwareState_Event (MethodName As String, Args() As Object) As Object
   Dim HardwareState As JavaObject = Args(0)
   Dim c1button As JavaObject = HardwareState.RunMethod("getC1Button", Null)
   Dim c1Clicked As Boolean = c1button.RunMethod("isClicked", Null)
   Dim c2button As JavaObject = HardwareState.RunMethod("getC2Button", Null)
   Dim c2Clicked As Boolean = c2button.RunMethod("isClicked", Null)
   Log($"C1 button: ${c1Clicked}"$)
   Log($"C2 button: ${c2Clicked}"$)
   Return Null
End Sub
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