I'de like to make a sugestion to EREL and to all dll developers in the forum....
Some times is dificult to understand wich is the lattest version of a specific dll...
So I thought that a "special" thread should be placed in the libraries forum, created and managed by the dll authors, to list all the dlls and current version, created by them...
This thread should become a sticky, and EREL should make it locked for new postings under it...
This way, all the scatered dll and diferent versions woul be so much easier to find...
I'll be happy to kick it off, if EREL agrees with it...
I'de like to make a sugestion to EREL and to all dll developers in the forum....
Some times is dificult to understand wich is the lattest version of a specific dll...
So I thought that a "special" thread should be placed in the libraries forum, created and managed by the dll authors, to list all the dlls and current version, created by them...
This thread should become a sticky, and EREL should make it locked for new postings under it...
This way, all the scatered dll and diferent versions woul be so much easier to find...
I'll be happy to kick it off, if EREL agrees with it...