I miss the old days when b4a had no libraries and everyone posted source code.
The libraries written in Java provide views and functions that are not easy to create/reproduce with B4x only (although we can see a lot of recent libraries that could be easily done with B4x only), so I don't regret the era where libraries were very scarce because the B4x possibilities were also very limited. The good question, from my point of view, is: why this community does not share the source code of libraries while it's a habit in the Java world (where it is very uncommon to find a library with no source code). I can only answer for me:
1 - When I started making libraries for B4a, it was a bit pointless to share the code as the libs were written in Java, which was not a language mastered by the B4x community. We were less than 10 to create libraries. Now there are more and more people able to understand/compile/improve Java code in this forum so this point is no longer relevant.
2 - My first attempts were poorly written. Being glad to provide something useful to everyone is one thing, letting people read the horrible code you wrote for that is another. Now, with decompilers, anyone can see how a terrible programmer you are.
3 - I noticed that almost noone here forks the published code. I think that I'm the only one that published a library (MediaBrowser) built upon the source code of another B4x developer to enhance it. And I see regularly people asking for a change in a source code that is available to anyone. You can find some of my posts saying: "hey guy, you have the source code, so make the change yourself". I really wonder sometimes why I shared the source code.
4 - It seems that people are very disappointed by my work because the number of likes is far below the number of downloads (ScrollView2D: 681 downloads for version 1.3, more than 4000 downloads of previous versions, only 12 likes). And I don't speak of donations, which are very close to none (except ULV and ProBundle where donate is mandatory). So why should I share the code?