Other Downloading many remote small files: which option is advisable?


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Hi all,
we have a snowing day today, so why not to port an old app to the B4xPages framework?
One feature of the app is the need to download many (30-150) small png files from a remote server (on which I have full control). Once downloaded they need to remain on local storage to avoid any additional download of those same files at a later time (day).
Images will be showed upon request in the app (B4xImageView, I guess).

Now for the question: I can think of so many alternative ways to do it that I can't decide on the "best" one.

- SMM? Eventually just the async download part?
- B4X FTP server?
- BitmapAsync?
- plain OkhttpUtils2/OkHttp2 +WaitFor methods?
- finally download and study Pleroma client? (I should have done it since its availability, I know..)

I'm sure many of you already confronted with this topic, whether for a restaurant menu or a catalog showcase or an images' collection growing in time.
So, what did you use and eventually what will you suggest for my project?
Thank you.


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Longtime User
Guess okhttputils2 is the best solution.
Download all of them in a batch, store them in Dir.Internal to have them on Device. If the filenames are unique you can check existence before downloading.

SMM or Bitmapasync would never come into my mind if i would have to implement such thing.

If you have full control over the server you also can create a zip on the server with all files in there. Download the zip and extract them after downloading. In this case only one http-request is needed instead of 150.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks Erel. I had a quick glimpse at its code. Very well written. There's a lot to learn. Really. I liked your programming style and surely I will spend more time to read with greater attention your code.
Btw, I will try SMM on my project too and eventually compare a few of the mentioned options to increase my overall knowledge on the subject.
Thanks again
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