Format of bitmap files
Without using a library I want to write a routine to scan a pic and save it as a bitmap
Just out of ineterst does anyone know in a bitmap how many bytes is used for each pixel.
Now at first I thought 3,one each for R G B because they have 256 variants each.
But now I realise that PPC only shows 32 shades of each RGB, if u draw at say 9,9,9 it will round it to 8,8,8
So 32 options is 5 bits, so 15 bits in all (leaves 1bit redundant if 2 bytes are used)
1) I assume bitmaps are not compressed (unlike jpgs)
2) What order are the pixels stored in the file (e.g.a row at a time starting from top to bottom)
3) Is there any header info in a bitmap file