What is the simplest way using b4xcanvas
to draw each of these squares?
I wish it was b4x (b4a+b4j+b4i)
to draw each of these squares?
I wish it was b4x (b4a+b4j+b4i)
Sub Class_Globals
Private Root As B4XView
Private xui As XUI
Private Pane1 As B4XView
Private Pane2 As B4XView
Private Pane3 As B4XView
Private Pane4 As B4XView
Type Point (XCoord As Double, YCoord As Double)
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize
' B4XPages.GetManager.LogEvents = True
End Sub
'This event will be called once, before the page becomes visible.
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
Root = Root1
SetColorAndBorder2(Pane1, 0xFFD33B61, 2dip, 0xFF000000, Array As Double(20dip, 0dip, 0dip, 0dip))...
Sub Class_Globals
Private Root As B4XView
Private xui As XUI
Private Pane1 As B4XView
Private Pane2 As B4XView
Private Pane3 As B4XView
Private Pane4 As B4XView
Type Point (XCoord As Double, YCoord As Double)
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize
' B4XPages.GetManager.LogEvents = True
End Sub
'This event will be called once, before the page becomes visible.
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
Root = Root1
SetColorAndBorder2(Pane1, 0xFFD33B61, 2dip, 0xFF000000, Array As Double(20dip, 0dip, 0dip, 0dip))
SetColorAndBorder2(Pane2, 0xFFFAA65D, 2dip, 0xFF000000, Array As Double(20dip, 20dip, 0dip, 0dip))
SetColorAndBorder2(Pane3, 0xFF016BA7, 2dip, 0xFF000000, Array As Double(20dip, 0dip, 0dip, 20dip))
SetColorAndBorder2(Pane4, 0xFF70B55A, 2dip, 0xFF000000, Array As Double(20dip, 0dip, 20dip, 0dip))
End Sub
Private Sub SetColorAndBorder2(pnl As B4XView, BackgroundColor As Int, BorderWidth As Double, BorderColor As Int, BorderCornerRadius() As Double)
Dim p As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("")
p.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, pnl.Width, pnl.Height)
Dim RadiusTopLeft As Double = BorderCornerRadius(0)
Dim RadiusTopRight As Double = BorderCornerRadius(1)
Dim RadiusBottomRight As Double = BorderCornerRadius(2)
Dim RadiusBottomLeft As Double = BorderCornerRadius(3)
Dim cvs As B4XCanvas
If RadiusTopLeft>0 Then
cvs.DrawCircle(RadiusTopLeft, RadiusTopLeft, RadiusTopLeft, BorderColor, True, 0)
cvs.DrawCircle(RadiusTopLeft, RadiusTopLeft, RadiusTopLeft-BorderWidth, BackgroundColor, True, 0)
End If
If RadiusTopRight>0 Then
cvs.DrawCircle(pnl.Width-RadiusTopRight, RadiusTopRight, RadiusTopRight, BorderColor, True, 0)
cvs.DrawCircle(pnl.Width-RadiusTopRight, RadiusTopRight, RadiusTopRight-BorderWidth, BackgroundColor, True, 0)
End If
If RadiusBottomRight>0 Then
cvs.DrawCircle(pnl.Width-RadiusBottomRight, pnl.Height-RadiusBottomRight, RadiusBottomRight, BorderColor, True, 0)
cvs.DrawCircle(pnl.Width-RadiusBottomRight, pnl.Height-RadiusBottomRight, RadiusBottomRight-BorderWidth, BackgroundColor, True, 0)
End If
If RadiusBottomLeft>0 Then
cvs.DrawCircle(RadiusBottomLeft, pnl.Height-RadiusBottomLeft, RadiusBottomLeft, BorderColor, True, 0)
cvs.DrawCircle(RadiusBottomLeft, pnl.Height-RadiusBottomLeft, RadiusBottomLeft-BorderWidth, BackgroundColor, True, 0)
End If
Dim Points,Points2 As List
'painel externo
If RadiusTopLeft>0 Then
Points.Add( CreatePoint(0, RadiusTopLeft) )
Points.Add( CreatePoint(RadiusTopLeft, RadiusTopLeft) )
Points.Add( CreatePoint(RadiusTopLeft, 0) )
Points.Add( CreatePoint(0, 0) )
End If
If RadiusTopRight>0 Then
Points.Add( CreatePoint(pnl.Width-RadiusTopRight, 0) )
Points.Add( CreatePoint(pnl.Width-RadiusTopRight, RadiusTopRight) )
Points.Add( CreatePoint(pnl.Width, RadiusTopRight) )
Points.Add( CreatePoint(pnl.Width, 0) )
End If
If RadiusBottomRight>0 Then
Points.Add( CreatePoint(pnl.Width, pnl.Height-RadiusBottomRight) )
Points.Add( CreatePoint(pnl.Width-RadiusBottomRight, pnl.Height-RadiusBottomRight) )
Points.Add( CreatePoint(pnl.Width-RadiusBottomRight, pnl.Height) )
Points.Add( CreatePoint(pnl.Width, pnl.Height) )
End If
If RadiusBottomLeft>0 Then
Points.Add( CreatePoint(RadiusBottomLeft, pnl.Height) )
Points.Add( CreatePoint(RadiusBottomLeft, pnl.Height-RadiusBottomLeft) )
Points.Add( CreatePoint(0, pnl.Height-RadiusBottomLeft) )
Points.Add( CreatePoint(0, pnl.Height) )
End If
'painel interno
If RadiusTopLeft>0 Then
Points2.Add( CreatePoint(0+BorderWidth, RadiusTopLeft) )
Points2.Add( CreatePoint(RadiusTopLeft, RadiusTopLeft) )
Points2.Add( CreatePoint(RadiusTopLeft, 0+BorderWidth) )
Points2.Add( CreatePoint(0+BorderWidth, 0+BorderWidth) )
End If
If RadiusTopRight>0 Then
Points2.Add( CreatePoint(pnl.Width-RadiusTopRight, 0+BorderWidth) )
Points2.Add( CreatePoint(pnl.Width-RadiusTopRight, RadiusTopRight) )
Points2.Add( CreatePoint(pnl.Width-BorderWidth, RadiusTopRight) )
Points2.Add( CreatePoint(pnl.Width-BorderWidth, 0+BorderWidth) )
End If
If RadiusBottomRight>0 Then
Points2.Add( CreatePoint(pnl.Width-BorderWidth, pnl.Height-RadiusBottomRight) )
Points2.Add( CreatePoint(pnl.Width-RadiusBottomRight, pnl.Height-RadiusBottomRight) )
Points2.Add( CreatePoint(pnl.Width-RadiusBottomRight, pnl.Height-BorderWidth) )
Points2.Add( CreatePoint(pnl.Width-BorderWidth, pnl.Height-BorderWidth) )
End If
If RadiusBottomLeft>0 Then
Points2.Add( CreatePoint(RadiusBottomLeft, pnl.Height-BorderWidth) )
Points2.Add( CreatePoint(RadiusBottomLeft, pnl.Height-RadiusBottomLeft) )
Points2.Add( CreatePoint(0+BorderWidth, pnl.Height-RadiusBottomLeft) )
Points2.Add( CreatePoint(0+BorderWidth, pnl.Height-BorderWidth) )
End If
DrawFilledPath(cvs, Points, BorderColor, 0)
DrawFilledPath(cvs, Points2, BackgroundColor, 0)
Dim iv As B4XImageView = XUIViewsUtils.CreateB4XImageView
pnl.AddView(iv.mBase, 0, 0, pnl.Width, pnl.Height)
iv.mBackgroundColor = xui.Color_Transparent
iv.Bitmap = cvs.CreateBitmap
pnl.Color = xui.Color_Transparent
End Sub
Sub CreatePoint(XCoord As Double, YCoord As Double) As Point
Dim Point1 As Point
Point1.XCoord = XCoord
Point1.YCoord = YCoord
Return Point1
End Sub
Sub DrawFilledPath(TargetCanvas As B4XCanvas,Pts As List,Color As Int,StrokeWidth As Float)
Dim Path As B4XPath
Dim P As Point = Pts.Get(0)
For I = 1 To Pts.Size - 1
Dim P As Point = Pts.Get(I)
End Sub