Hello Everyone,
I am hoping someone has successfully tackled the Dropbox refresh token/access token maze (at least it is to me). I have been able to create a Refresh Token using THIS manual method using a Browser window and Windows Command Prompt (Terminal). It creates a long term Refresh Token that I can use to create a new temporary (4hr) access token using this in the Windows command prompt:
My question is: Is there a way of executing this Curl command from within a B4A program? At the moment my app works with 4 hourly refresh requests from the user and would like this process to be invisible to the user.
Your help is appreciated
I am hoping someone has successfully tackled the Dropbox refresh token/access token maze (at least it is to me). I have been able to create a Refresh Token using THIS manual method using a Browser window and Windows Command Prompt (Terminal). It creates a long term Refresh Token that I can use to create a new temporary (4hr) access token using this in the Windows command prompt:
curl https://api.dropbox.com/oauth2/token -d grant_type=refresh_token -d refresh_token=<Refresh Token> -u <App key>:<App secret>
My question is: Is there a way of executing this Curl command from within a B4A program? At the moment my app works with 4 hourly refresh requests from the user and would like this process to be invisible to the user.
Your help is appreciated