
  1. DoctorDebug

    Android Question OBEX Bluetooth Server

    Hello, has anyone managed to implement a Bluetooth OBEX server running in B4A? Been playing around with it for months, and if anyone has even some rudimentary help I would appreciate it.
  2. Tyler

    Android Question Assistance With Adding libc++_shared.so

    Hello All, I've built the llama-cli binaries using Make in Termux and I'm trying to get them to run in my B4A app. The issue I'm running into is I keep getting an error that I'm missing libcc++: Err: CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "/data/user/0/b4a.example/files/llama.cpp/llama-cli": library...
  3. B

    Android Question Dropbox Long Term Token

    Hello Everyone, I am hoping someone has successfully tackled the Dropbox refresh token/access token maze (at least it is to me). I have been able to create a Refresh Token using THIS manual method using a Browser window and Windows Command Prompt (Terminal). It creates a long term Refresh...
  4. Duque

    Bug? [RESOLVED]B4A V13.00 BETA ResumableSub

    Bug on ResumableSub. does not detect the warning logs. I hope you warn me that my ResumableSub does not return anything private sub myfunction as ResumableSub 'return true end sub
  5. CorryWestSide

    Android Question How to sign an XML in B4A?

    hi, the question is very easy, i make a function for build a xml structure so i put it in a file and save it like xml. Easy, the problem is that i have to sign this file for send it to Italian Tax Agency and i have with me only a x509Certificate. On Internet i found that with only that i can...
  6. james_sgp

    Android Question Totally Confused by 'Custom View' in CLV

    I have sent the last day reading and trying to get/set text into a AS_textfieldadvanced custom view I have in a xCLV. I have read the "b4x-how-to-get-custom-view-here-from-clv-or-any-other-container" post over and over...searched the forum and looked at code. But I really can not get my head...
  7. Z

    Android Question safe APK installation problem

    following Version safe APK installation I have managed to download and install new version of my app from my site. Everything is working just fine, except when I install new version, it won't start automatically, must find it on apps and start it. I see it is new version, have label for that...
  8. Azael Pérez


    He visto las publicaciones de los foros sobre los gifs y no encuentro los archivos para agregar a la carpeta "Libraries", la libreria es B4XGifView, vi que está en Github pero no lo encuentro, porfa necesito su ayuda :(( I have seen the forum posts about gifs and I can't find the files to add...
  9. Simon9410 | Cuba

    Android Question B4Xpage Key back Press

    Hello, I would like to know how I can intersect the key_back_press event and make decisions depending on the page where it is, currently I have a CLV with users and when clicking on an element in the list it opens another page with the user's data, when doing back It takes me to the list, but...
  10. mohsen programmer

    Android Question Warning of deactivation of SHA1withDSA keystore in the near future

    Hello, I made a app with B4A two years ago. Now when verifying the signature of the program with jdk, this warning is displayed: The certificate uses the SHA1 with DSA signature algorithm which is considered a security risk. This algorithm will be disabled in a future update. The certificate...
  11. Mattiaf

    Android Question Issue with Fullscreen Video in UltimateWebView2 library

    I'm trying to enable the fullscreen mode for video players on various websites using Ivica Golubovic's "UltimateWebView2" library in B4A. Here's the code I'm using: Sub Class_Globals Private Root As B4XView Private xui As XUI Private Settings As WebSettings Private CookieM As...
  12. mohdosala

    Android Question UPDATE SQL not working using ExecQuery2

    Hi there. I'm having trouble updating my sql database using ExecQuery2. It works when I'm trying to use SELECT command. But I think it's not working when I'm trying to use UPDATE command. This is my table: and here is the interface of my app: users can add their own titles using that plus...
  13. W

    Share My Creation wmSQLtableSync - SQL table synchronisation between two databases [Class] [Source included] [B4A] [B4J]

    Why/What? A CloudKVS didn't cover my needs so I developed this class. Features: - It synchronises a table between two SQL instances; one is called the Client, the other the Server - All columns that exist in the Server table must be present in the Client table - Additional columns that exist in...
  14. B

    Android Question B4a Library HttpServer getInputStream

    How would it be possible to receive the Stream in the case of data received in POST? Thanks.
  15. CorryWestSide

    Android Question Module bluetooth problem

    i have this kind of problem with a bluetooth module: Start with this i wirte this Log: Connected, servizi: (ArrayList) [00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, 00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, 00005301-0000-0041-4c50-574953450000] DONE The service that i want is only Servizio id...
  16. Alan Turing

    Android Question Compiling B4A application for different mobile cpu architecture

    Hi, Recently i start learning android programming with B4A and now i am a beginner in android programming. My question is: How to compile B4A application for other mobile cpu architecture? For example : compiling B4a application for ARMv7-A or x86_64 mobile cpu architecture.
  17. luki_c

    Android Question Bluetooth search stops working after moving to b4xPage

    I used the example of chat bluetootch, when I moved the layout to separate panels the program stopped detecting and indexing bluetooth devices. The program code is the same as in the example. Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView) Root = Root1 Root.LoadLayout("MainPage")...
  18. C

    Android Question Issue with using FTPS on FTP library

    Hi, I've managed to get my app to connect to me NAS via Non-Secure FTP with no probs and upload / list files folder in the folder, however when I change it to FTPS it seems to connect ok (NAS Log show is connects successfully) however the List_Completed function always returns Success=False and...
  19. Guenter Becker

    B4A Class App localization with Google Translator (Updated!)

    Name: TD_Localize Version: 2.6 updated 2024/04/21 Language: B4A Licence: Royalty Free to use for private and commercial projects for licenced B4X Members. Others please ask for licence. The attached example project includes the File TD_Localize.bas. Using this code module in your project it...
  20. mohsen programmer

    Android Question Creating a fake Wi-Fi

    Hi Is it possible to make a fake Wi-Fi in Android?