Android Question DropboxHttpAPI problem with OkHttpUtils2 and B4A 7.30


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After upgrading to 7.30, I got a compile error on the app I'm working on.

After playing around with different libraries it showed that I get this error when both OkHttpUtils2 (2.61) and DropboxHttpAPI (0.93) is checked.

The error occurs during compile:


As requested by @DonManfred, I have created a test app - it does nothing, but shows the error.

Any ideas how I can solve this problem?


    6 KB · Views: 203


Licensed User
Longtime User
As i see you are using a compiled version of the class.
The - old - library was using an older version of okhttp.

Download the class-source and compile it to a new library.

Or use the Class instead inside your project.
Or replace the DependsOn-Lines in the Library XML to match the newest okhttp
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