B4J Code Snippet easily compile and run B4J project with javaFx


after reading this post, i write this little batch script (compile_and_run_jar.bat)

echo off
echo ==========================================
echo compile B4J project and run it with JavaFx
echo ==========================================

rem search for project file and store it in variable project (without extension)
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /B ".\*.b4j"') do set project=%%~nf
echo Project : %project%

rem set variables
set BAJCOMPILER="C:\Program Files (x86)\Anywhere Software\B4J\b4jbuilder.exe"
set JAVADIR="C:\java\jdk-11.0.1"
set JARFILE="%cd%\Objects\%project%.jar"
set STARTDIR="%cd%\Objects\"

rem compile project
%BAJCOMPILER% -task=build

rem check compilation error (exit code 1)
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 (
    exit 1

rem run jarfile with Javafx
%JAVADIR%\bin\java.exe --module-path %JAVADIR%\javafx\lib --add-modules=javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,javafx.web -jar %JARFILE%

rem remove Objects folder
rd objects /s/q
exit 0

Put it in the project folder and run it. It will :
- compile the project
- run the jar file with javaFx support
- delete the objects folder when finished



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Longtime User

Unfortunately it does not always work jar often contains other modules/libraries. Specific case if you use preferencesdialog and a field with options eg :

"options": ["a","b"],
"title": "Test",
"type": "Options",
"key": "id",
"required": true
The file list will not open...


Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User

Unfortunately it does not always work jar often contains other modules/libraries. Specific case if you use preferencesdialog and a field with options eg :

"options": ["a","b"],
"title": "Test",
"type": "Options",
"key": "id",
"required": true
The file list will not open...


I use the batch file with several projects with preferencesdialogs and other libraries without problem.

If you can compile the project with B4J IDE, it should be OK with the batch file.
