Android Tutorial EasyDeviceInfo (with inline Java Code)

It incorporates this Github project via inline java code. The project reports a whole lot of information about your device and write the results to the B4A log:

** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = true **
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = false **
Android ID = 42319529610bdd94
Model = GT-I9190
Build Brand = samsung
Build Host = SWDD6422
Build Tags = release-keys
Build Time = 1429605240000
Build User = dpi
Build Version Release = 4.4.2
Screen Display ID = 0
Build Verion Code Name = REL
Build Verion Incremental = I9190XXUCOD2
Build Verion SDK = 19
Build ID = KOT49H
Is Device Rooted = false
Manufacturer = samsung
Resolution = 960x540
Carrier = vodacom-sa
Device = serrano3g
Bootloader = I9190XXUCOD2
Board = MSM8960
Display Version = KOT49H.I9190XXUCOD2
Language = en
Country = za
Battery Percentage = 100
Is Device Charging = true
Is Device Charging USB = true
Is Device Charging AC = false
Network Type = Wifi/WifiMax
OS Code Name = Kitkat
OS Version = 4.4.2
Wifi MAC = E4:12:1D:F9:C4:D6
IMEI = 359904055542393
IMSI = 655017580819618
Serial = 24be32de
SIM Serial = 89758000000008196187
GSFID = 3448ab09d28358dc
Bluetooth MAC = E4:12:1D:F9:C4:D5
Psuedo Unique ID = ffffffff-e76f-7232-ffff-ffffb5a0f6a5
Phone Number =
Product = serrano3gxx
Fingerprint = samsung/serrano3gxx/serrano3g:4.4.2/KOT49H/I9190XXUCOD2:user/release-keys
Hardware = qcom
Radio Version = I9190XXUCOD2
IP Address =
User Agent = Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.2; GT-I9190 Build/KOT49H) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36__Dalvik/1.6.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4.2; GT-I9190 Build/KOT49H)
Latitude = -29.7281198    Longitude = 31.0587712
Time = 1463326414036
Formatted Time = 15:33:34
App Name = EasyDeviceInfo
App Version = Version 1.0
App Version Code = 1
Activity Name = Application
Package Name = JHS.EasyDeviceInfo
Store =
Density = HDPI
[email protected]
Is Network Avialable = true
Is Running On Emulator = false
Is Wifi Enabled = true
Device Ringer Mode = 2
** Activity (main) Resume **
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = true **

You need to enable the JavaObject library in the IDE.

It compliments this project


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