Edittext event from Label?


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Oops, sorry Erel. I meant TextChanged Event. Is it possible to have a textchanged event from a label?
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Can you give an example? How is the text of the label supposed to be changed? Which ever way this is going to happen, it will surely be a result of your app, thus you can call a textChanged sub from the position at which you're changing this text.
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Hi mc73

I want to show some information in some Views. I don't want to let the user to change the information and I want these Views to be transparent to background. So I must use labels and not EditText Views.

The information on these labels is going to be changed from the application of course but from more than one sub depending on some conditions.

So I have two choices.
Automatically execute some code if is it possible to raise an event when the values of those labels changed or to call the TextChange sub from every sub that is going to change the values of these labels.
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Create a sub, something like:

Sub Label1_TextChanged
    Some Code
End Sub

Then in your code, whenever you change the Label1.Text, after put:


to call the sub
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