How do I modified the following code to find time elapsed accurate in milliseconds?
The time differences that I am working on are pretty small, only for a couple of second each. I know I can ignore the days, hours etc but how can I convert the seconds to milliseconds?
Dim seconds, minutes, hours, days As Int
Dim date1, date2, elapsed As Long
date1 = DateTime.DateParse("02/01/2013") + DateTime.TimeParse("08:00:00")
date2 = DateTime.DateParse("03/01/2013") + DateTime.TimeParse("00:00:01")
elapsed = date2 - date1
seconds = Round(elapsed / 1000)
minutes = Floor(seconds / 60) Mod 60
hours = Floor(seconds / 3600)
days = Floor(hours / 24)
hours = hours Mod 24
seconds = seconds Mod 60
Log(days & ", " & hours & ":" & minutes & ":" & seconds)
The time differences that I am working on are pretty small, only for a couple of second each. I know I can ignore the days, hours etc but how can I convert the seconds to milliseconds?