I had a routine to send an Email with an attachment as below
Dim Message As Email
Message.Body = "Message"
Message.Subject = EditText1.text
Message.Attachments.add(File.Combine(Main.StaticFolder_Pics, Label8.text)
It worked well but targetSdkVersion="26"/ required a different scheme for permissions which I have solved some issues but not all. I have changed the manifest and added RunTime permissions and so forth. I have tried many different times without success. Any help appreciated.
Dim Message As Email
Message.Body = "Message"
Message.Subject = EditText1.text
Message.Attachments.add(File.Combine(Main.StaticFolder_Pics, Label8.text)
It worked well but targetSdkVersion="26"/ required a different scheme for permissions which I have solved some issues but not all. I have changed the manifest and added RunTime permissions and so forth. I have tried many different times without success. Any help appreciated.