Encryption with random numbers


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Hi, what do you think, how crack-safe is an "selfmade" encryption, comparing to the standards, where you set the random numbers to a value (like RndSeed(123456789)) and than taking the "randoms" one by one and modify the letters in the unencrypted text?

I want to encrypt texts and the result should also be a text, not a binary. Thats why, I can not use normal encryption(?).
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I also needed same and made one in HMG (Clipper like), not in B4X.
If you you wish I can give you the code.




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Thank you, but I also have this code already in several projects and versions. My question is more, how safe is it, compared with standard encryptions. Because in the current case the users want to be sure, that nobody can read it easily without the password.
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The general rule is that you should never, ever invent your own encryption unless you're a professional or what you're trying to encrypt doesn't really matter. (In the latter case: why bother encrypting at all? If it's just to keep people from simply reading it, a ROT13 would probably be better.)

The world is full of well-meaning homemade encryptions that were broken easily by someone with better understanding of how they work.


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Oh, you wrote "crack-save" but mean "crack-safe", then no encryption is safe as the word "safe", but is safe depending on type of users.




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Yes, "safe", not "save", that was my bad english, I corrected it.
So the solution should just be safe, not supersafe. If I have to try more than encryption variants, it is safe enough. The ROT13, of course, as a simple letter substitution cipher would not be safe at all. In my solution I use pseudo randoms, for every letter another. And the startpoint you can initialize with your password.