In the B4X Library GPRMC to be used for B4R declared a Type, like
When using the b4xlib in a B4R program, the type members are not visible with error:
The b4xlib object is declared as
Expected accessing the Type as
All members are visible, except the Type ones.
Any hint how to access the type members?
NOTE: When using the library BAS file as a module, the type is accessible.
Sub Process_Globals
Type TDate (Stamp As Double, Day As Int, Month As Int, Year As Int)
Public DateStamp As TDate
When using the b4xlib in a B4R program, the type members are not visible with error:
Main - 56: Unknown type: TDate<br />Are you missing a library reference?
Private gpsRMC As GPRMC
Expected accessing the Type as
gpsRMC.DateStamp.Day ...
All members are visible, except the Type ones.
Any hint how to access the type members?
NOTE: When using the library BAS file as a module, the type is accessible.